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A single line in the intro text caught my attention, "a distinctly warm and subtly dark tone all its own;" how warm is this headphone's sound compared to other headphones?


Jan 15, 2022
My impression of a 'warm' sounding hp or IEM is one of accentuated bass and attenuation of the highs and mids, especially the high end, which some people may find fatiguing. Basically giving you the spectrum of muted timbre. Nothing too startling, nothing really stands out unless you're listening to a bassists' album. Probably good for relaxation or going to sleep. Not for me, I go for the best resolution possible and a neutral sound. I want my cymbals to crash and drums to percolate! I want to hear the guitar cry in the hands of an artist. Not to mention vocals. Just my opinion and experience. The best way is, as always, to try and hear it for yourself whenever possible. If unable to audition, buy from amazon or someplace that allows returns if you don't like the sound. I hear that Drop allows returns, though I've not had to try. I bought the HE-X4 a couple of years ago (when they cost $220). I didn't send it back even though its definitely a little bass-y, as echoed by many here. Being a planar set, it overcomes the slight attenuations and accentuations with great resolution. They do like power and scale well with a good amp. Hope this helps.

Those are quite pretty up close, if there's another drop in the future, I'll give them a go. That's also a very nice looking cable, it looks somewhat similar to the cable on the A91, is it slightly microphonic?
Jan 20, 2022
trollchu_teh_manslayer Two and a half years old! Well-used, but stored in a pelican when not in active use ;-) Only very slightly microphonic, somewhat compensated for with a sturdy little shirt clip. The cable is rather stiff, considering all the copper in litz patterns, but I'm able to move about as freely as with most.
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