My current battlestation, based on my purple DROP Astrolokeys keyboard and deskmat! 💜✨⭐️
Do you go for aesthetics or functionality when adding a new item to your setup?
Ultimately I will go with adding an item based on aesthetics, as I make it a goal to rotate a few items at my setup anyway! I’ve had the opportunity to try out many different products over the last few years, so I do find that many aesthetic items can be surprisingly functional. I do still follow guidelines I’ve set for myself as to what I will add to my setup (ie. colors that match my aesthetic), regardless of how functional it may be.
What determines which items have a “permanent” space in your setup?
If the item is customizable and can match any color theme I decide to base my setup on that day, then that’s an easy way for an item to have a permanent spot at my setup.
What was the most frivolous addition to your battlestation that you absolutely don’t regret?
There is absolutely no need for me to have 3 gaming controllers at my setup, but displaying them on my 3-tier controller stand looks amazing!
What was the desktop/setup item that surprised you the most? Something that you didn’t expect to hold on to after you tried it?
It was no surprise to me that I would be adding items with RGB to my setup, but I did surprise myself with how much I’d be adding! As soon as I noticed the benefit on how much it improved my photos, I was definitely on board.
Do you have any favorite desktop items that would surprise your followers?
It’s no secret to my followers that I own a lot of keyboards, but even though I have dozens of them in my collection, some may be surprised that I still have favorites, and will tend to use those favorite keyboards over the rest, especially when playing specific games or working with specific apps.
Do you have any cable management secrets to share from your experience perfecting setups?
Zip ties are so great at helping me keep things organized! I also love aesthetic cable boxes with faux wood tops to hide power strips, as well as mesh cable tubing to help hide and bundle cables together.
Follow @mochi.crafts on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, Youtube and Facebook.
(edit: formatting and added social media handles)
wow! It's crazy that they illuminate the scene this much by just what's bouncing back from the wall!
Could you link the product please? I might get myself a blue one :P
New setup with: LOTR Barrowfield Knight Deskmat Custom GMMK 3 Pro Keyboard with faux wooden (doubleshot PBT with shinethrough legends) keycaps and Glorious Panda Silent switches Lamzu Atlantis...
Logitech G502 mouse plus G403 keyboard. Looking cool at work while the mini fridge keeps things cool. *Finger guns* Was on a drive to spruce up my cubical at work. Grabbed the keyboard & mouse...