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Hipyo Tech's Desk Setup

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2 tagged products
Do you go for aesthetics or functionality when adding a new item to your setup? I'm much more of a functionality guy, at the end of the day it should still look good, but it has to function well first! What determines which items have a “permanent” space in your setup? It's all about utility, if I don't use something then it gets the boot! What was the most frivolous addition to your battlestation that you absolutely don’t regret?  PLANTS, I absolutely love them and they brighten up any setup! What was the desktop/setup item that surprised you the most? Something that you didn’t expect to hold on to after you tried it? Large deskmats for sure, originally I thought they were silly but now I'm in LOVE. Do you have any favorite desktop items that would surprise your followers?  My water bottle gets empty sometimes :( Do you have any cable management secrets to share from your experience perfecting setups? I actually really need a lot of help, my cable management is a NIGHTMARE. Follow Hipyo Tech on Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. (edit: formatting, tags, added social media handles)
(Edited by moderator Jyri_Drop)

Jun 16, 2023
Not great with plants though I love the look. Any recommendations on an easy/small starter plant i could add to my set up?
Lycoris01Not OP, but spider plants are pretty famous for being damn near impossible to kill. Might be a good starting point?
Lycoris01I have killed every plant I've ever owned except my Pothos. I am also less likely to kill plants that sit on my desk because I look at them every day. Pothos are nice because the leaves sag when its thirsty but at that point you still have time to water it and see it recover. Downside is they are toxic to cats, if you have those.
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