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Showing 1 of 42 conversations about:
Nov 2, 2018
Hey everyone! I'm new to baking, but a pretty experienced cook. I just purchased a Kitchenaid Pro 600 stand-up mixer, so I'm really excited to get into it. What are some great resources to start with as far as learning how to bake? I'd love to bake breads, rolls (dinner and sweet), and of course all kinds of desserts. Related to that, I don't have much in the way of baking pans go--I have an 8x8 and 9x13 Pyrex, and that's pretty much it. What are your beginning "essentials" as far as baking pans and other kitchen tools go? Thanks so much!
Nov 2, 2018
Jan 9, 2019
cstarr78For a complete reference, here: For something more succinct and beginner-friendly: A good kitchen scale. Not every recipe will have weight measures, but you can always convert, or use recipes with weights listed. It's much more accurate and consistent. Mixing bowls in small, medium, and large sizes, if you don't have any. I recommend a few Pyrex and a few stainless steel. Pie plate (Pyrex) Good metal whisk (none of that silicone-coated stuff) 4-cup Pyrex measuring cup Plain, stainless steel measuring spoons Offset spatula Muffin/cupcake tin Silpat GIR spatulas - I cannot bake (or cook) effectively without these Since you cook, you may have some of these, but figured I'd mention anyway. A lot of your supplies will depend on what you bake (bread? cookies? jack of all trades?) as well and you will probably find yourself buying things on the fly if you get into it.
Jan 9, 2019
Jan 9, 2019
cstarr78Oh, and for resources: any book by Rose Levy Berenbaum (The Baking Bible, The Cake Bible). How Baking Works for baking science. Jim Lahey bread books. BraveTart by Stella Parks because she is a baking genius.
Jan 9, 2019
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