From one quilter to another, welcome aboard. I'm new here too and recently did my first buy and just got it today (Liberty FQs and I'm waiting for my Aurifil to arrive soon too). I would hope that you might have spoken to others as well about deals we might be able to put together. Did you get a chance to speak with RJR Fabrics while you were at QuiltMarket? They have an awesome line is solids that have incredible color saturation and go with everything I have tried to match them with. Might be something to look into, to make friends now for future projects?
I started a new poll moving all the previous choices into it. That way we can consider this one closed. Maybe it can be "unplugged" or whatever they do when a poll fails or is over. If this is against MassDrop etiquette, get the hand slapping and lectures over quickly please I just wanted to move forward people, not standstill. I'm a move ahead kinda gal.
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for starting the new poll. I think that is a great idea. I might edit it a little, but it is great.
And yes, we've been in touch with RJR regarding Cotton + Steel. I think their solids would be a great option, and I'm glad you've included them in your poll.
Enjoy your purchases, and feel free to post pics of what you make!
I'm Sarah- the new Crafting Buyer at Massdrop. I wanted to let you know that I talked with Westminster at Quilt Market and unfortunately we can't get the Denyse Schmidt solids boxes from them at this time. However, please keep creating polls for solids bundles, other fabrics, and crafting items in general. If we increase the strength of our community, we will be able to change some minds. Being a quilter, I've got lots of my favorite products that I'll be trying to bring to the site. Keep in mind that your voice is really important too, so create some polls and let me know what you want to see on Massdrop!