LBartleyIt's hardly racist to state something well known and that is Chinese manufacturing is generally regarded as shit. That said while i have not used one i could point out a few things myself of concern.
1. Tai-Hao is not exactly known for it's Keyboard versus it's Keycaps within the MK community. A quick look at their webpage shows some very uninspired mediocre looking boards...and none of which are really winning any top awards.
2. Kailh switches while not nearly as bad as some claim definitely do not have the proven track record of Cherry MX switches and generally are used in cheaper lower end products.
3. From the pictures far as i can tell.. while i appreciate the fact it comes with PBT they look razer thin for PBT compared to even cheap VORTEX PBT+POM Backlit caps.
4. Non Detachable cable
I mean for 55$ one can not expect a KUL or a FILCO or a DUCKY...however cheap Kailh boards are also widely available to that same degree. The only unique thing the board really offers is the form factor size. Now while i agree that may not make it "a piece of shit" it's definitely not exactly high tier..or even middle tier either.
Also to be fair Tai-Hao if memory serves is located in Taiwan and Taiwan really can't be lumped in with the same crap build quality of several items that come out of China. Remember after all VORTEX POk3r Keyboards come out of Taiwan and are arguably some of the best 60% boards on the market if not the best (Outside of customs like GON and whatnot).
LiquidEvilGamingOwning both vortex and tai-hao doubleshots, I can confirm that the tai-hao are very slightly thinner, however I've not noticed any difference in feel at all.
My comment was more directly aimed at what seemed to be the mentality that anything of Asian origin is automatically inferior. Despite zero non-Asian manufacturers existing to my knowledge.
The more telling aspect in this case is that you claim tai-hao is Taiwanese, rather than Chinese. Making the initial comment all the more ignorant.
Kailh switches, which I haven't used myself, seem to be hated on more for not being cherry than any viable reason. Razer seems to be doing quite well with them.
In the end, they keyboard may not be flawless, but to suggest that it's "Chinese shit" is racist no matter how you look at it.
LBartley""The more telling aspect in this case is that you claim tai-hao is Taiwanese, rather than Chinese. Making the initial comment all the more ignorant.""
This is hardly ignorant yet perfectly relevant fact. Most of the well known high quality Keyboards/Caps from that area come from Taiwan specifically rather than just mainland China.
"Owning both vortex and tai-hao doubleshots, I can confirm that the tai-hao are very slightly thinner, however I've not noticed any difference in feel at all."
It looks far than just a hair but pictures can be deceptive, if you ever have a chance i would LOVE a direct photo comparison!
""Kailh switches, which I haven't used myself, seem to be hated on more for not being cherry than any viable reason. Razer seems to be doing quite well with them.""
Multiple points to make on this comment. Firstly i have no direct hate for Kailh switches per say, it's just that generally speaking the switches are used on low cost cheaper boards. It's not a fault of the switches themselves as if you were to put them on a higher quality board Ducky,KUL,Filco etc they would likely gain a better reputation quickly. Razer is doing well in terms of sales sure but with their marketing and retail physical presence that's no real shocker. In terms of QC Razer is not well looked upon in the mk Community,there are near daily threads of failing switches on Razer boards in any major MK forum including the #1 MK community online Reddit. To be fair though Razer switches while made by Kailh are made to Razer specs different than a typical kailh switch and this could have a part to play (And or the iffy razer QC as of late).
Suggesting a product is shit because it's from a region generally known for shit build quality has not a damn thing to do with race as much as it does location. Certain areas of the world simply have higher quality products/services than other areas this isn't a racial thing Mr SJW. Tai-Hao really has never made a standout well built stellar Keyboard as a company, they are FAR more known for their Keycaps. Now that said as i pointed out in my earlier comment several high quality Keyboards DO come out of Taiwan specifically...Tai-Hao on the other hand isn't really known for that as a company. I'm sure BMW could make you a refrigerator but it's not exactly what they are known for either.
Either way my big nitpick with you is that you associate region generally known for bad build quality of a product = racism? That has to be the SJW Quote of the month.
It's really no different than someone saying they would much rather receive cancer treatments at Boston General rather than a hospital in Iran. Does it mean ALL of Irans medical care is crap? Nope. Does it mean the people are bad people? Nope. Does it make the Patient Racist for stating most Hospitals in Iran are shit compared to ones in the US? Nope.
I expect next to hear the case that Black Licorice is racist because most people think it is disgusting so candy companies surely must be racist for making it black.
LiquidEvilGamingCalling me, of all people a SJW, is hilarious to me.
But to clarify, something being "known for" something, doesn't make it true. such an absolutely staggering amount of manufacture is done in China these days that if it were as universally shit as the general consensus would suggest, everything would be constantly broken garbage.
Regardless, I think we're delving needlessly deep into simple ignorance. He took a jab, I took a jab. The original comment was utterly pointless and unnecessary, perhaps I chose the wrong way of expressing that opinion if it drew this kind of response.