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Nov 28, 2014
Does anyone know if these would be an upgrade to my ATH-m50x?
Nov 28, 2014
SailtacksYes, very much so, although they're quite different as they're on the brighter side and they're open backed.
Nov 28, 2014
SailtacksA bit different, being open vs closed. I am interested to find it too though, as I also have the m50x. I haven't use them that much yet though, as I bought them for traveling.
My other headphones, dt880 (600), will be an interesting comparo too. By the sounds of it, the 7XX will be a bit more musical/warmer/bassy than the dt880. I am running the 880 from a darkvoice tube amp though. I think I'll just run the 7xx off a DACport. That combo might end up sounding similar to my current setup. Any thoughts?
Nov 28, 2014
SailtacksThey are a massive upgrade in sound quality but I have to warn you that the sound signature of these is VERY different. If you like the m50s for their bass at all, the AKGs aren't for you. If you listen to the m50s and feel like the highs/mids aren't clear enough and there is too much bass- you would love these headphones to bits.
Also a lot depends on music you listen to.
The biggest thing to remember with headphones is there is a difference between sounding 'right' and sounding 'fun'. A good comparison would be with LCD screens where you have a lot of over saturated colors on monitors that make them look amazing, meanwhile the technically better monitor will look dull in comparison
Nov 28, 2014
SailtacksIt's fairly easy to get headphones that offer better over all sound quality, then the ATH-M50Xs, which are bassy with a recessed mids, but there are a lot who are just fine with the ATH-M50X sound. The ATH-M50Xs should offer a louder bass then the KXX, but the KXX should win in all other categories (bass quality, mids, treble, sound stage, etc). Also the 62-Ohm KXX will be a little more power hungry, then the 38-Ohm ATH-M50Xs.
Nov 28, 2014
turkeyrox2You are one smart son of a gun when it comes to audio. Great response.
Nov 28, 2014
SailtacksYES! No matter how your ears are made.
Nov 28, 2014
turkeyrox2Would you say there is the same massive upgrade in sound quality vs. the Sennheiser HD 598s? They're going for $100 on Amazon right now, and I'm not sure if I should cancel my order from Massdrop and save $100.
Nov 29, 2014
DR1989Hope you canceled and got the 598s. The extra $100 would buy a nice amp if you didn't have one. They sold out in about 4 hours.
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