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May 6, 2015
The drop is wrong. If you try to join, and select that you only want the rollerball, it removes $99 from the price and only charges you $20.
May 6, 2015
rezin8you have to pick which rollerball you want, they're 99$. it charges 20$ if you order nothing at all
Omega97Hey @Omega97 and @rezin8,
Because the drop has not yet reached the lowest point, the price of the rollerball is currently the same as the fountain pen at the first drop point. If and when the drop reaches the lowest point, that $20 difference would be negated, and the price of either pen will be the same.
As with all drops, you won't be charged any price until the drop ends, when we hope the final amount will be the lowest drop point for all members. Does this clear things up?
May 6, 2015
JonasHeinemanWell, when you say you only want the rollerball, it shows a $20 charge in your cart. Then, it says to chose the OPTIONAL rollerball. It looks like you can just select that you want a rollerball, not make the choice, and roll the dice on which rollerball you'd get and the order would go through. Not very intuitive.
rezin8Hey @rezin8 -- Our development team is working on a way to make this interface cleaner, but this is the best way we can accomplish being able to make the second pen available right now.
Thanks for your feedback, it is valuable and we know this is something that needs improvement.