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Nov 16, 2017
That things are overpriced in this hobby usually tends to be a matter of experience and/or perspective.
This thing, however, is just plain overpriced.
Nov 16, 2017
kamielFor the sake of discussion, can I ask why? This is an age old argument on this site and many others. If it's more expensive than *you* are willing to pay, then it's overpriced. Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and how to spend their own money, but that doesn't make it true for everyone else (e.g. the "perspective" you mention). Expensive doesn't automatically equate to overpriced. It all depends on the value someone derives from it. For some, a seiko is overpriced, for some an Apple Watch/Rolex/Patek Philippe are worth it. I have not used this device specifically, but I do own a tube amp in the same price range and for the enjoyment I have received from it have found it well worth *my* money.
Nov 16, 2017
enginerdActually I have heard a few models of Auris, including this one, and few of Viva amps. They are on same level in terms of sound quality, but the Vivas are 4-5 times more pricey than the Auris. Auris has not to shame on their design. Very well built and beautiful products they make. So, in my opinion the Auris far not overpriced, but they are underpriced (but sadly still out of my budget).
Nov 17, 2017
enginerdI consider a product to be overpriced if the cost to the consumer is more than twice that of the product's development, parts, labor/manufacturing and advertising. In that sense, smartphones are nearly always vastly overpriced. So are many low-end audio products.
It would be interesting if someone from Auris responded with a list of factors that led to the price of the HA2 SE. That person would probably get attacked on a board like this, but it would be enlightening to know whether factors other than supply and demand determined the price.
Nov 17, 2017
VarholiaglimpOk, that's an interesting condition. If something is overpriced/2x cost does that mean you won't purchase it? Do you ever go to Starbucks or ever eat out? Have you ever purchased a toothbrush? Ever purchased soda or bottled water? Yes, smartphones likely fall into this category, esp. the new iPhone X (I absolutely love mine). If you are willing to spend your money on something that is 2x cost is it really "overpriced" if you willingly hand over your money for it and it's not a necessity to live, etc.? I don't think the cost/selling price is necessarily the determining factor. Or maybe it is for you and that's fine, but I know it's not that simple for me.
Nov 17, 2017
enginerdYou're either tossing straw men into the playground of your mind or confusing me for someone else.
That post was my first on this thread. I've never said I refused to purchase things that were overpriced.
In fact, I said the exact opposite: I said that things we buy every day are overpriced. The cheapest things we buy are sometimes the most overpriced proportionally, so why do people complain about audiophile equipment as though it were an exception to some commonplace practice of fair pricing? The Starbucks example you gave proved my point.
I'm not attacking your original argument. I'm making a different one.
I own several smartphones, all of which cost more than they should. I also buy caffeinated drinks at cafes and coffee stands that could bankrupt me if the ratio of overpricing were applied to, say, an interest rate.
When I said it would be interesting to know why a product like the Auris is priced at nearly $2,000, I didn't presume it was overpriced. I said it would be interesting to know what determined the cost. What if the cost of making that amp turned out to make the price necessary? What if it didn't? Did unseen factors make creating this amp more expensive than one might think? It would be interesting to know either way.
I also said that some MD members would probably attack a rep from Auris who was kind enough to break down that cost -- not because the rep would deserve it, but because certain people who participate in internet discussions love to designate scapegoats. That seems especially true when they're talking to someone they perceive to be in a higher position (such as the founder of an audio equipment company that makes amps costing just under two thousand dollars).
Nov 17, 2017
kamielYou want it, though...don't you?
Nov 17, 2017
MotorradKinda goes without saying. :P
Nov 17, 2017
VarholiaglimpIt's all good. This is all in the interest of discussion for me since I'm sure pretty much anything we post here will have no influence on anyone's buying decision :)
I agree completely with you that if any rep broke down the costs, then most would use that as complete justification of why the product is overpriced. We are on a mass "bargain" shopping site which is skewed to the buyers getting a deal and not a seller/manufacturer maximizing profit.
Yeah, I have no idea if they priced it based on some multiplier of cost, or just that it was what the market would bear given pricing of comparable products.
Nov 17, 2017
enginerdI meant no offense.
The internet sometimes lends itself to having a harsh opinion and mouthing off. That is exactly what I did and I own that. Perhaps I was a tad disappointed. Perhaps I felt the description and the spec wasn't worthy of the price tag. I don't even remember to be honest. Honestly, my intention was not to speak for the community, put down others, or chastise the company/Massdrop/interested parties.
You are right, however. Value perception is far more than a product's capabilities. Brand value is also important, and evidence does indicate that audiophiles with MartinLogans and Benchmark DACs, would easily hand over $2000 for something as beautiful as this.
The actual value of this amplifier is not for me to decide. I do own equipment of similar value but I generally do fall into a more "budget" plane of the spectrum. I would never buy this, neither would I buy a Rolex (more of a Casio guy), or iPhone (LG V-series is my phone of choice). My perception of value is based on function over brand or form. Thats why I'd sooner buy an Audio Gd DAC than a Chord DAVE... even if I could afford a Chord DAVE. Or Stax over Orpheus.
That being said, this company has its own experts who are far more qualified than I who are put in charge of pricing this thing. It might be the bargain of a lifetime so power to those who know it is.
Anyway, if the product sells who cares what I think?
Nov 18, 2017
kamielNo worries, no offense taken at all. Yeah, none of what we say really matters. If someone has the means and wants to buy this or anything else, in the end that's their business and as long as they're happy they shouldn't care what any of us think or say.
Oct 15, 2021
kamielLate to the party.. Anyhow, Auris Audio is a bargain compared to anything else I've tried before and after. Regret selling my gear from them, so difficult to get something from them at my location. Also if this was priced under 2k.. Then damn, wish I was here then :p
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