cm.rookThis comment seems to appear on every watch drop I've seen. I like watches, but after seeing this same comment over and over again I usually don't bother looking at (Mass)drop's watch section anymore.
RayFI'm sure it would be enough to be worth putting up with roughly a month longer wait for the watch. For many, myself included, waiting a month is not justified by an 8 dollar savings.
sturgisswHa-you must be one of those “One-Percenters” I keep hearing about?!
If you people can afford to pay eight-bucks more for a damn watch, you should have to pay more taxes, just like Bernie has been saying all this time!
RayFCan't tell if this is irony - if so, good bait. Otherwise, if you are a person who is so broke that 8 dollars is going to break your bank, you shouldn't be buying a $100+ dollar watch. You also probably shouldn't have a smart phone, and you probably shouldn't be eating out, or buying most of the things on Drop.