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Apr 2, 2015
Anyone getting a pinging noise with their keyboard?
Apr 2, 2015
DesetNope, it sounds the same as my CM QFS at home (with blues and 1 year older).
Apr 11, 2015
Desetyes most noticeably from backspace happens when i bottom out the keys
Apr 14, 2015
DesetNo pinging noise here, my issue appears to be that the keyboard is very very fast when plugged in over PS/2 so Windows sees multiple keypresses. I've adjusted it in Windows but the logging screen doesn't seem to be affected by my changes, so I've had to change my password to a much simpler variant until I get used to this new board. Text editing is also very slow like this, as the repeat rate is turned way down (finals)... This isn't exactly a keyboard issue, it's more like a combo between the board and Windows (haven't quite hammered out the correct settings between Windows repeat delay and repeat rate and the board's built-in repeat rate settings). Used EK's excellent "Switch Hitter" software to check all the keys and to check for chatter, everything looks good, can mash 40+ keys at once and they all register but they don't all "depress" in the software, not sure if that the software or the board but no big deal, never going to hit that many keys anyway, testing 12+ consistently worked well. I'm not missing the "Menu" key yet, it's actually quite nice to have it gone, but I am missing the right-side NumPad "Enter" key though the trade-off of a shorter keyboard is probably going to be worth it. I've got the mini USB cable plugged in and exiting directly left, which forces the cable to take a severe 90 degree bend, it would have been nice if they had made the channels closer to the back edge or sent a different USB cable with a smaller plug, the recess is so tight that it was actually difficult to get it plugged in, but at the very least it seems an impossibility for the plug to get loose. Lastly, the font on the keys is quite odd, especially the "A" and the "C", but it's not like they ever get looked at anyway I suppose. Even more odd though is how tiny the symbols are compared to the letters, even the numbers are tiny (which I have been looking at more to get used to the loss of the NumPad), seems like a strange quirk. Otherwise, a solid, hefty board, looking forward to choosing between 2mm and 4mm of O-Ring cushioning, though the board isn't much louder than a dome board anyway.
Apr 14, 2015
RampantBiologicNo pinging on mine as well. I didn't try PS/2, so I don't know about the auto repeat. Works perfectly fine in USB. I've only tried up to 10 keys, figured any more doesn't matter since I'm out of fingers after that. I got some 40A-R EPDM o-rings (the blue ones) from WASD, they make quite a bit of difference when bottoming out. I tried the keyboard after replacing the tab row but not the rest, and the difference in both sound and feel is quite significant. Maybe I should have bought the 40A-L (red) ones instead. Or maybe tried the much cheaper 50A buna nitrile from Amazon for half the price. If you're adding o-rings or removing keycaps for any reason, I suggest getting a wire key puller if you don't have one - the included one may scratch the keys. I didn't notice the font on "A" until you mentioned it. Shift F-10 gets you menu in an emergency (e.g. when mouse is not working) but otherwise I never use the menu key on the keyboard either. I have my cable coming out the left channel as well. I like the braided cable, but it keeps popping out of the channel. The velvety rubber coating on the case looks and feels nice, but seems to be a dust magnet, which inspired me to finally buy a Datavac.
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