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CORSAIR PC DIY Precision Toolkit

CORSAIR PC DIY Precision Toolkit

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Product Description
Whether you’re on your first or fifth PC build, it’s clear that the word “build” is never to be taken lightly. There’s a lot to piece together, and even more to screw and fasten into place Read More

Nov 16, 2023
I never really have considered precision toolkits that useful for PC building. I prefer a regular screwdriver with bits since the size of these is more fitting for working with a PC case, installing GPU, hard drives and tightening screws in hard to reach areas. Precision screwdrivers are too small and short and you can't really apply the same amount of force to get the screws tightened enough. That being said, I do own a couple of kits, incl. iFixit. But I only really use these for building keyboards and other smaller projects.
Nov 5, 2023
This marketing is hilarious. You can be on your fiftieth build, you will still only need a screwdriver with PH#1, PH2 and maybe PH#0 for M.2. Realize that the majority of these bits will not be useful unless you also repair phones, consoles and laptops (like Apple's irritating anti-consumer screws), GPUs, and even then many bits will go unused. Can you use specialty screws for your motherboard or chassis like Hex 2.5? Yes. Will you ever need a hex-bit if you are not modding? Probably not. Just wanted to point the obvious, as Corsair is quick to cash in on "new" PC builders.
Nov 7, 2023
Yeah that's what I'm saying. It's marketed for PC DIY but you won't use these bits unless you are repairing consoles like PS4, Wii, etc.
MkjenisI see your point, yeah it is kinda dumb to name it a PC kit, should be something like "PC and Electronic Repair Toolkit". Well, this toolkit was originally made for Corsair DIY PC kits. Well, Corsair can call it whatever they like. I'm not buying either way.
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