How to sell things on Drop & How Drop charge them?
Hi , this Kyle from China. Since a month ago, my team wanted to build a brand to produce the high quality of mechanical keyboard and headset to sell aboard. Now we already got the license to do so, and we can't wait to bring our products to meet everyone. But the products are still in the period of designing, it would take some time :( There are some questions we can't find the ways to solve - how to sell keyboard on Drop, and the details about how Drop charge per product? - Actually I sent an email to Drop Studio for some questions, but I didn't receive the answer.( Drop Studio also mentioned that they can contact me only if they were interested in my design / products ). So I'm here ask for help. If anyone can answer my question, I would really appreciate it :)
Nov 14, 2024
Unfortunately, they said the only options are either (A) replacing the keyboard entirely(!!), (B) a $20 refund or (C) returning the entire unit (for a full refund). I asked again if that really is the only solution, but if they can't I'll just pick the $20 and buy a Halo Switch Pack next time it drops. It sucks, but this is the only blemish for me and I can work around it by moving the switches to my least-used, least-important keys. (thanks to hotswap)
My old keyboard is also hotswappable and it doesn't happen with the switches I've got in that but does on the massdrop ctrl. I have over 8 keyboards at home and this is the only I've ever experienced this issue with.
The CTRL has standard, plat mounted hot swappable sockets, there shouldn't be much difference.