offikerHave you guys been successful installing this headband on the Drop/Hoffman HE-R7DX yet? It sounds like this headband has fit other models but does it fit this model specifically?
Gabriel_RCould you elaborate why it was fiddly? You couldn't reuse the screws? What steps did you go through to make it fit? And the missing clamp is now there?
Ordos20I just got mine in. Assembly of the headband was straightforward, but attachment to the earcups was questionable. I had to bend the prongs out to get it to fit, and the little nubs that fit into the old headband are sitting on the bare metal instead of in the headband because the hole isnt the right shape. It does seem sturdy for now though. Clamp is leagues better now, and the suspension strap is pretty comfortable.
Ordos20I personally shortened the screw and screw housing if that makes sense. Just so that it was able to go in totally flush, I find I do this with about every headphone I use it on. It comes with screws and I guess you could call it a nutsert, It is similar to what was already there but the screw sizes were different so you need to use the new hardware. I think it is something that most people could do, even more so if you own a dremel
CharlieMarksDid you notice any increase in clamping force using the replacement headband? That seems to be one of the main complaints which results in less bass and volume.
CharlieMarksI want to thank you for the feedback. I ended up doing the same thing, and it fits comfortably. I am glad my head is JUST big enough (I am at the max setting). Any bigger and it would have been a waste. I need to tinker with it slightly as sometimes the slide part want to fall apart (needs a drop of glue to keep everything in place)
You'd be comparing an open-back with a closed-back. Closed-back earphones are great for things like doing vocals so you don't get "bleed-through" in your mic. So, a better comparison would be another closed-back earphone.