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Drop + Marvel Iron Man Keycap Set

Drop + Marvel Iron Man Keycap Set

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We’ve partnered with Marvel to pay tribute to genius, billionaire, and philanthropist Tony Stark—better known as Iron Man. Styled in hotrod red with gold legends, our Iron Man Keycap Set takes after his iconic suit of armor Read More

Nov 20, 2022
I sure hope this set isn't in the R3 Mystery boxes, will be Captain America all over again if it is. For future context, at time of writing this is on sale for $39 and could potentially* be one of the "premium" sets in the round 3 mystery boxes, which haven't arrived yet (at least for me). So this might mirror what Drop did with the Captain America set which was a "premium" set in the round 2 mystery boxes, and it dropped to $25 while people were waiting for them to arrive. *Potentially being the key word here as I have no visibility at this time into which sets are included as the premium sets in the round 3 mystery box other than some of them will be MT3 sets. Edit: So far so good, I haven't seen anyone report getting this set in the R3 boxes, but I have seen the Black Panther set mentioned so I suppose it is still possible. My boxes didn't have these though (GMK Pixel and DCX BoW).
May 3, 2022
Am I crazy or did this set not come with a 2.25 shift keycap?
Aug 30, 2021
I guess it’s my fault for waiting but was going to purchase the set today (my payday) when the desk mats dropped and this was out 😩 you snooze you lose 🤷🏽‍♂️
a couple of yellow keys on the periphery would have been a nicer mix
Aug 17, 2021
Disclosure: sponsored my YouTube video and sent me a set of keycaps to review in advance of the product release, opinions in this review are my own.
Thanos snapped my keyboard and I had to rebuild it with these Iron Man caps! Now I have to start out by saying that I'm not the biggest fan of MT3 Profile as they sit a bit too tall for my preference and tend to hurt my wrists. However, if I was to evaluate these ignoring that fact, these are pretty awesome. The rest of the Marvel caps so far have been underwhelming in their colorways (aside from the Black Panther). But I do really like the color combos on this Iron Man set, I think the alphas are fantastic and the novelties are charming. The mods are a bit abrasive on the eyes with red on red, but I can see what they were going for. The quality of the plastic is also really awesome, they are super thick, the legends are clear and the color is consistent. The kitting is a bit questionable, but it does seem to cover most layouts. But I think they could learn a bit more from the community on that one in the future. The price is on the more expensive side but they ship instantly which is a luxury nowadays. Overall, if you like Iron Man and want some keycaps its hard to go wrong with these. 4/5
Aug 13, 2021
Does it sell the full keyboard as shows in the picture instead only the keycaps set?
Aug 20, 2021
How to get the full keyboard?
Aug 23, 2021
Sp4wnXsearch Drop CTRL
Aug 13, 2021
Use to remember the BRIGHT colourway of Iron man back when he had so much opportunities given to him. Since that time period to the "INFINITY timeline" everything has now disappeared, including our famous superhero : ( Hence, the subdued colours being used, almost like an ongoing recognition/tribute of a past hero that has now all but gone. Youngsters will never know the excitement of picking up an Iron Man comic way back in 1972, in some backwater sea side town in Leeman, WA. That was what true excitement felt like, reading my first edition of this comic. Had no TV or Radio, but always looked forward to picking up the next Comic from our local Newsagent. Those were the days, simple and easy, with no distractions (other than Iron Man, Spider-Man and Hulk).
Aug 16, 2021
But what will the current new generation think about introducing the OLDER style of 'Bright Comics"? They have grown up knowing the failures to achieve their goals, so when their heroes fail they know that feeling, but the OLD style comics always had the 'good' & 'decent' characters WINNING all the time. Remembered that, so when MCU timeline got introduced it helped affect many characters by introducing the kind of 'new timeline' of losing against their enemies and how to deal with the after effects. It's more for us OLDIES here whom miss the distant past, but the newer generation will never experience that in their lifetime. Instead, they are left with the failures of previous generations......
Sep 17, 2021
ElrickIf we ever get classic X-Men them eyeballs are gonna BUUUUURN
Aug 11, 2021
I would have gotten this if it wasn't in MT3. I don't mind the color scheme since I don't have a gmk samurai/red-on-red set, GMK Samurai probably looks better, but I'm a casual Iron man fan. Unfortunately, I won't be getting this because it's in MT3
Sep 17, 2021
yoyoyoluaSorry bud, MT3 is their signature profile now. They gonna milk.
Aug 11, 2021
Does anyone know how to stop the endless emails advertising key boards and key? I've checked to see what groups I have subscribe to and keyboards isn't not one of them. Stop it already, who the F wants endless emails advertising key boards and keys??? What happened to the other good stuff, e.g. outdoor gear and audiophile stuff?
OldTrailDogTry checking in here to see if you have some options checked: alternatively, @gitsh01 can you see if those are unchecked for you?
Aug 12, 2021
AlexPkI unchecked a couple of boxes and I'll see if that does the trick. If not I'll uncheck some more. Thanks for the tip. thumbs up.
Aug 11, 2021
Still disappointed on the design. Saving some bucks on hiring a good designer or on molds? Oops, now have a hard time selling these... Have to say this is better than the first release (Captain America) but still nah. Gold is not highlighted enough in this set. I mean half of the iron man's suit is golden colored! Please don't be so careless anymore on your precious MT3 profile. I think people would still want to buy these if you do it better but slightly more expensive. What a waste now.
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