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Hey Everyone,
I have an update on the status of the MT3 custom keycap set. The keycaps are still in production, but since this a brand new profile getting the dye sublimation is taking longer than we originally planned. We now anticipate that the keycaps will be complete right around the end of the year, which puts our estimated ship date in mid-late January (after shipment to our warehouse, receiving, and QC).
While we’re glad to be getting the color and new profile to meet Matt3o’s vision, we’re disappointed that the set is taking longer to be produced. We know you’re likely just as disappointed as we are, and we’re sorry for the additional delay. We’re doing what we can to get a final, quality set your way as quickly as possible - including having a member of our team onsite at the manufacturer in China to oversee the completion of the set.
We’re also adding a credit to your account based on purchase total, as a small token of our apology. This coupon will be automatically applied to the next drop you join. More details on the credit amount will be sent via email.
Thank you for your patience with this drop. We know the wait has been long, so in the meantime here are some photos from our team member at the manufacturer:


We’ll update everyone on or by 12/1 with the latest information.
Nov 17, 2017
Nov 17, 2017
Nov 17, 2017
YanboWuBecause of the delay it would be very welcomed if people that have joined the drop had the opportunity to add some sets to their original order. That would be a great token.
Nov 17, 2017
mackenThis! I regret not getting the novelties and would love to add them!
Nov 17, 2017
mackenAt this rate, I agree. Open the drop again for a few weeks. A $10 credit is bullshit.
This is taking forever.
Nov 17, 2017
Jca66Agreed. After so long requirements have changed, people are using different layouts, and instead of being able to enjoy this set we'll be having it not quite right or having to resell it and feeling like it was a missed opportunity.
Nov 17, 2017
YanboWuI appreciate the update. Delays happen and nobody is pleased about them, but getting updates about them early on like this is very welcomed.
mackenUnfortunately that would just add confusion to the process. Parts and raw materials had been ordered months ago for this drop - to restart the process to accommodate more orders will not end well.
However, we should be selling any extras we have for these a few months after fulfillment.
Nov 17, 2017
YanboWuHow long is a few months? And how can I call dibs?
Nov 17, 2017
YanboWuI received the mail regarding the /dev/tty delay which stated I would receive a discount of $15 on my next drop. I previously had a $5 discount for my next drop. Now I checked and I would get just -$15 (not -$5 and -15$ = -$20) on my next drop.
Did I misunderstand something or did you erase the earlier $5 discount from my account?
Nov 17, 2017
YanboWuInstead of giving everybody that joined this group buy a $10 credit to be used here on Massdrop, can you upgrade our shipping to a faster shipping delivery instead? There is nothing on Massdrop that cost $10 or less shipped. You are basically making us spend more money on here. This is suppose to appease us? This is some EA level bullshit.
Nov 17, 2017
YanboWuThat's a classy move, YanboWu. I personally expected that something like this would take longer to ship than the estimated date. It's common with keycaps that are just colorways, let alone something that is, as I've said many times, easily the most ambitious keycap set in the keycap community to date. A brand new profile is a really big deal and as I mentioned in your last update, I am happy to wait until the end to make sure I'm a part of this. Still though, even though it was just an estimated date and not a guaranteed date, you guys didn't have to credit us anything, and so I sincerely thank you for such a classy move.
Nov 17, 2017
YanboWuThat actually sounds better to me than trying to ship this stuff right in the mids of christmas/new-year holiday period, I'd personally much prefer getting my stuff by mid january then mid december as I have a whole lot of other stuff to take care of during that period. So basically no worries of having to go pick something up at the post office and cough up some vat/custom fees right around christmas time.
ojraskHey there, the coupon system is still a little new. You have both coupons attached to your account but only one ever gets displayed.
If you want to merge both coupons, that's also fine. Please drop a note to community support and they'll help sort you out!
Nov 18, 2017
YanboWuAre the coupons currently available? Also are they automatically applied or is there a way to apply coupons?
Nov 18, 2017
YanboWuThanks for the coupon! Delays were expected, so this is a nice gesture!
Just a quick question: I joined the Laser GB. I guess the coupon doesn't get used automatically when payment gets processed? Should I cancel and re-add my oder with coupon? Or should I contact support, if I want to use the coupon for my Laser order?
Nov 18, 2017
Jca66Lol that's not how it works, also that'd be unfair for the people like myself who've been waiting almost a year for this drop to ship.
Nov 18, 2017
YanboWuAh ok, I'll email support and ask them about it. Thanks! :)
Nov 18, 2017
YanboWuCould you please post more pictures? Everything looks amazing so far.
Nov 18, 2017
S.B.NI did that, I canceled the initial order of Laser and then created a new one with the coupon applied.
Nov 18, 2017
prospektYes, they are available. Like Yanbo said, on the first drop you join it will be applied automatically. I canceled Laser and then created a new order with the coupon applied.
Nov 18, 2017
prospektMaybe they need to try something different here. I’ve been waiting nearly as long and I’m fed up.
Nov 18, 2017
YanboWuI will say that I expected a delay—and I don’t mean that in a bad wa—I mean that to me it is not really delayed yet, and I just know that the product will be great. But I love the gesture of updates and a discount, to show that you do mean business.
My green cherries are waiting on my shelf with patience and great anticipation for the set. :-)
Nov 18, 2017
YanboWuEdit: With regard to "we should be selling any extras we have for these a few months after fulfillment."
Can those who participated in the first drop get any sort of priority? I'd like to get some of the extras that I missed out on the first time around (Colemak/Dvorak).
Nov 19, 2017
srfilipekThe orders have already been set months ago, there's no altering the order now and that's not on massdrop's, that's on the manufacturer and how they go along with orders. Honestly doesn't make sense to me when people are requesting extras on their order when there's just over a month for the orders to ship.
Nov 19, 2017
prospektMy question was regarding them selling off the cancelled orders in a few months: "we should be selling any extras we have for these a few months after fulfillment."
Nov 19, 2017
YanboWu@YanboWu , is the credit applied to the accounts yet? The last drop update email I got says people who joined the drop will get $15 credit and an email confirming the amount, but I have not received any email yet.
Nov 20, 2017
HamelYou can just pretend to join another drop and it'll show you how much credit you've been given.
Nov 21, 2017
schoolbusYeah I know that, but I've just received $15 from other issue and somehow I've got credit for $25. Since I'm supposed to get $15 from this drop it's supposed to be total of $30 - numbers don't add up right for some reason.
Nov 21, 2017
Hamel "We’re also adding a credit to your account based on purchase total "
not everyone gets $15, it's dependent on your order total.
Nov 21, 2017
schoolbusI guess I missed that part of the text. Thanks for telling me that @schoolbus!
Nov 21, 2017
Jca66"This is bullshit, your estimated shipping date was not right. I don't like the free gift card you gave me for being wrong. Instead, let me order more of this keycap set that you're continually fucking up on."
Sounds like the Cancel button is calling your name.
Nov 21, 2017
YanboWuAmazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comeon guys it's worth to wait.
Nov 21, 2017
Jca66Will you please cancel your order? I think everyone would prefer it.
Nov 21, 2017
GaleForceThe “free“ gift card is worthless and I’ve been considering cancelling.
“Estimated” means “Bullshit” in this instance.
MD has made countless $$$ off our money collecting interest Before they had to outlay cash.
MD needs to hire a Project Manager to keep things on schedule and provide accurate estimates upfront.
these are keycap, not fusion reactors 🤣
Nov 21, 2017
Jca66And yet you could have fooled me by your reaction. You should probably cancel, I agree.
Nov 21, 2017
GaleForcePerhaps you should mind your own f@cking business.
Nov 21, 2017
schoolbusI could give a crap less what you or anyone else prefer.
Nov 21, 2017
YanboWuFor the love of god, could you please post some pics of the triumphs mods?
Nov 21, 2017
Jca66If that’s true then why do you keep posting in a public forum? Maybe you should take your strong needs and concerns up with support directly since you’re clearly so important and don’t care :)
Nov 21, 2017
schoolbusI’m replying to clowns such as yourself.
its a public forum; we all have differing opinions on the situation and ought to be able to discuss them.
I would like nothing more then for MD to get their act together (between this and the k-type fiasco it’s ridiculous).
Nov 22, 2017
Jca66All @GaleForce is trying to say is that if you have joined the carbon drop, you might as well cancel and not be disappointed when that gets delayed a month or two as well. Save yourself the time from now. Also i don't understand anyone that says, "hey fuck you massdrop for the delay, but hey let me in on those extra sets". Mind blown.
Nov 22, 2017
prospektLet's not forget how we should mind our "own fucking business" but this is a public forum where those with differing opinions "ought to be able to discuss them." This dude is all over the place. Honestly I just want him to cancel because as much as I'd love to have them right this second, it won't kill me to wait for the project to finish and I know everyone who was actually in the drop only to cancel is going to have some serious regret. Given this is the only drop he's ever joined on Massdrop, might as well let him experience the full spectrum of Massdrop-induced emotions.
Also, these keycaps are going to be sweet and he seems like a toolbag so it would please me if he fucked himself by cancelling his order. Because I'm human, too.
Nov 22, 2017
Jca66Your words are so wise. You seem like such a level-headed dude with his eye on the ball. Not sure why everyone is antagonizing you. You'd think all of these morons were in on some conspiracy to just paint you as one to contradict yourself. Keep up your crusade, I know you'll be the one to fix all of Massdrop's shortcomings if you don't back down now!
Nov 22, 2017
prospektI can understand that point of view.
people buy sets based on what they expect their needs to be in October (for example).
Needs change, and in November people are like, “I should have purchased XYZ...”
With this set being delayed by several months, it would be great if MD could demonstrate some flexibility by reopening the drop and allowing people to purchase additional sets, etc.
The $15 doesn’t really address the situation properly.
Nov 22, 2017
GaleForceLOL; you’re almost funny...almost.
Nov 22, 2017
Jca66What are your needs? Did you need those key caps in October, or is that just when you convinced your parents you'd get them? Please, don't waste anyone elses time.
Unfortunately, it's apparent you still have the capability to type on the internet.
Cancel your order son, and call me dad :) you'll feel better, I promise.
Nov 22, 2017
GaleForceYou ASSume the key caps will be sweet. As with everything on MD you have to wait until they’re finally RELEASED.
This isn’t my first drop; it’s my first drop w this account (There you go assuming again).
Nov 22, 2017
schoolbusLOL; I’m likely older than you.
its not so much a need, but (here’s a big word for you) PLANNING for them.
I’ve changed plans, but plan to gift them.
Nov 22, 2017
Jca66Lol, why do you have multiple Massdrop accounts? Surely there's a legitimate reason.
I'm not assuming anything dear, I know :)
Also, dear god I hope you're not older than me for your sake.
Nov 22, 2017
Jca66Sick burn. Clearly you are the superior keyboard warrior. I can't match your reasoning or make you laugh. Mad props for taking both positions in every one of your arguments (e.g. leave me the fuck alone, this is a discussion forum for everyone... Fuck you Massdrop for screwing this up, let me order more keycaps though... etc.) Guess you should just cancel your order, why associate with people like me? Clearly you're superior to all of us.
Nov 22, 2017
schoolbusI agree with Dad. Wow, I even feel better now. And more confident that cancelling his order is what he should do. Thanks, random Internet father figure!
" Also, dear god I hope you're not older than me for your sake. "
Truer words have never been spoken. I have no idea how old you are, but I assume you're over 35 which... yeah. You already said it. Just please don't let me be the oldest, because I got rekt in these forum arguments. I would lose so much face.
Also, I think that's it for my entertainment for this evening. I'm not one to troll people when they're salty, but some just make it too tempting and I actually feel a bit ashamed for even getting involved in this "argument." That said, it made me feel really good imagining him smashing things on his desk every time someone replied. As I've already said, I'm only human. There's the way I'd like to imagine I am, and then the way I know I am. Thanks for the tag-team. It was like Muhammad Ali fighting an infant already (either of us can be Ali, I won't claim it just because I can) and then Don King rolled up too.
Nov 22, 2017
YanboWuI'm not so fussed about the delays. I am however looking forward to seeing what looks like a gorgeous product!
I also need to acquire a keyboard ...
Nov 22, 2017
james.wilmotHaha, that would be a good anticipatory move. I can just imagine someone with a frown sitting at their desk with the keycaps all lined up like a QWERTY layout, but with no actual keyboard. Check out what's on sale on Black Friday. If you want something no frills with authentic Cherry switches, I highly suggest the CM Master Keys Pro. I have the full-size one, and it's great because of all the crap it doesn't have. It's being sold on Massdrop right now, but unsurprisingly it's not even a good deal on the keyboard. Amazon routinely has it for cheaper, not even taking into account what it might be during Friday/Monday sales.
Nov 22, 2017
GaleForceGeez, and here I was thinking that waiting for these keycaps to was going to be boring, but the way things are going i'm starting to wonder wether the anticipation is not the best part. I do love me a healthy dose of community salt from now and then.
Nov 22, 2017
Jca66@schoolbus @Jca66 @GaleForce and everybody else that's making this wait less cumbersome, You guys are great. Luv.
Nov 22, 2017
sixelannifHonestly, good point. I'd totally wait another week on top of whatever the total delay is going to be at this point just to see contradiction dude rage like crazy some more.
Nov 24, 2017
YanboWuI haven't recevied my coupon, after an email about the delay. I'd like to use it for gmk lazer.
Nov 30, 2017
schoolbusYou really think that more people would rather cancel than wait another month maybe at tops?
I am excited about this set and think the wait was expected if you understood what they were making and getting themselves into making a whole new profile... Honestly I would wait another 6 months for this one if I had to. The 15 bucks was a sweet bonus.
Nov 30, 2017
smallbitNo, I was saying the dude who is freaking out about delays on to your point a brand new profile should cancel his order instead of spamming everyone with his whiny banter.
Nov 30, 2017
smallbitI'm with you there, I really think this kind of thing should be understood as akin to a kickstarter project, so significant delays are only to be expected.
I might also point out that while the delays do mean that mistakes were made, they are willing to put effort and money into delivering an impeccable and properly finished product as opposed to just calling it 'good enough' and trying to deliver on time.
I also do think this money point should be stressed a bit here as while us customers are being inconvenienced by these delays, it must be realized that this is costing Massdrop a significant amount of money, just multiply the ~10$ (on average) rebate by the number of participants in this drop (I forget exactly how many, but it was well over 1000) and you've already got a pretty big bill. Then add on to that all the extra production time and pre-production units as well as the time and effort (as in sending someone to China to oversee the production) and you will quickly come to realize that Massdrop is also loosing a lot with these delays.
And yet they are willing to cope with them in favor of a (hopefully) higher quality product. This is definitely a good sign in my book.
And before people start getting on my back for defending Massdrop, don't get me wrong I think that Massdrop is definitely an a slippery slope overall as I keep seeing more and more stupid drops that either offer ridiculously low and often uncompetitive rebates, or nonsensical "limited quantity" group buys, and I really think that they should review their business model.
I just don't think that this particular drop is one of those that messed up (yet).
Dec 1, 2017
schoolbusOh I misread lol sorry. I was liek NEOOOOOOO i want my keys still!
sixelannifAgree I wouldn't mind the delay as long they aiming for the best quality before release to the customer. So far I've only experienced disappointments from Massdrop in terms of quality . I wouldn't mind if they waiting another month or even fours months, only if the quality I get in return is flawless.
Dec 7, 2017
YanboWuJust out of curiosity.. is there a reason why the smaller 1.25u Caps Lock button is abbreviated CAPS LCK? Both caps and lock are 4 letters and there are obviously enough space for the whole word. I'm going to be using the FN key so it doesn't matter to me, but I was just wondering. The larger capslk shortening I do understand though.
Jan 17, 2018
YanboWuI just reached out to your support for them to help consolidate two coupons I have on my account, but she was not willing to help me?? I wrote back with the link to this conversation but I have yet to receive a reply.
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