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Drop Mechanical Switch Puller

Drop Mechanical Switch Puller

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Frequently bought together:
Drop Mechanical Keyboard Keycap Puller
Drop Aluminum Switch Opener
Drop Switch and Stabilizer Keyboard Lubricant

Nov 29, 2023
gOtTa HaVe ThAt LogO! I at least appreciate that this *appears* to be a bit different than the ones you can buy all day off Amazon for a couple bucks. It looks a bit larger and (most importantly) the bend at the pinch appears to actually be closer to 90° than not, which is a bafflingly infuriating design on any other switch grabber that is set at an angle that *releases the pressure on the lock tabs as you squeeze, convincing you to squeeze harder and pull harder to inevitably damage the switch and scratch the plate.* Worth ten bucks for that improvement? Depends on the steel used, which photos and reviews confirm that it's too thin to make much of a difference from exaggerated flex that could lever against the switch body and pull the pinch out of the lock tabs, repeating the problem of any other grabber. So what's the solution? Buy a thicker $5 grabber and bend the pinch knuckles into 90° ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jul 13, 2023
the hubris!
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