The primary color-matching goal here is to match the SA Pulse set. The cyan is color-matched to the SA version, and the black is actually the standard black used in MT3 WoB (if anyone is interested to mix and match across MT3 sets).
Specifically speaking about accessories, I wouldn't expect those designed around GMK Pulse to look out of place with MT3 Pulse. The accessories being different materials means they already look slightly different than the keycaps. Everything will be within the same color space and should pair nicely together.
I'd say MT3 ABS Doubleshot like this is somewhere inbetween, but closer to glossy smooth, especially after time due to being ABS. Maybe "semigloss smooth" is a fitting description. Less smooth than SP SA (aka SA ABS), but smoother than SP SA-P (aka SA PBT).
(There is also MT3 PBT with dye-sub legends which has similar rough surface as SP SA-P.)
hello, could you please add options to buy ISO layout keys. as a european person it is frustrating to be excluded from so many cool keycaps. i realize this may be expensive to do so could you atleast add option to buy the extra ISO Keys (enter key ÅÄÖ etc.) seperatly for additional cost?
A community member
Sep 30, 2022
There's a poll pinned in the Discussions tab, where you can request more sets - a Norde kit is one of the options you can vote for. Right now the molds for those keys don't exist, so they need votes to prove there's a demand to make them.