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Drop + THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier

Drop + THX AAA™ 789 Linear Amplifier

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Product Description
Announced at CES 2018, the Drop + THX Achromatic Audio Amplifier (THX AAA™) 789 is a linear bipolar amplifier with feed-forward error correction. It’s designed for objectivists who appreciate an incredibly clean, transparent amp—the sought-after “wire with gain” whose amplification is wholly uncolored by a sound of its own Read More
Q&A Highlights:
What makes this better than the JDS Atom?
Balanced output for better compatibility and channel separation. Lower single ended power, but significant power through XLR, which the Atom does not have.
How do I connect this to my computer? I have an rca cable and I plugged it into the headphone jack of my computer while connecting the red and white cables to the input on the back. When I turn it on I hear a loud static noise.
Headphone jack on a computer is amplified through a typically crappy amp. This is a great amp. Garbage in, garbage out. Get yourself a DAC which will connect to the computer via USB and then connect its output to the THX. There's lots on here to pick from -- Topping, Grace Design, etc.
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What makes this better than the JDS Atom?
Nov 10, 2019
More POOWWWWEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!! 🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊🔊 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌
Jan 2, 2020
How do I connect this to my computer? I have an rca cable and I plugged it into the headphone jack of my computer while connecting the red and white cables to the input on the back. When I turn it on I hear a loud static noise.
Mar 4, 2020
Headphone jack on a computer is amplified through a typically crappy amp. This is a great amp. Garbage in, garbage out. Get yourself a DAC which will connect to the computer via USB and then connect its output to the THX. There's lots on here to pick from -- Topping, Grace Design, etc.
Nov 29, 2020
AriesI can recommend Meridian Explorer2, it's great DAC and has it's own awesome amp too. You can output to the TXH amp. I have super high end system (Quad 989s) and it's matched with THX AAA and IEM's at a fraction of cost.
Nov 23, 2021
AriesYeah. Great Idea. Even more cables. A Simple DAC is plenty. If I want to listen to music in full quality I'll use my loudspeakers, or plug my headphones in the amp that dive them with a 6.3mm jack.
Sep 7, 2020
Get the Topping D10. It is a true end-game DAC for _unbalanced_ audio and everything that costs more is just snake oil. It costs around $100.
May 1, 2021
ihveNo sir, budget end game is called a Khadas Tone Board! Actually there's a few budget end game options. D10 is great too, and more or less in that class. One thing to consider, some motherboards usb output can be kinda noisy / jittery, and some dacs reject or block that noise better than others. I've had some that sound clean like my hrt music streamer II or the $100 Schitt dac I had, but others like the Khadas allowed the uab noise through to be amplified, so (on some but not all motherboards) I had to use a usb to spdif converter. Some motherboards will have spdif out already. This can limit you to 24bit 96khz (maybe 24/192 without a converter box if the mobile has the output) so u won't get dsd512 etc if u care (but you shouldn't), but spdif is 100% completely noise free so my noise floor is even lower than a usb DAC with high rejection on a good motherboard... it's dead silent.
May 8, 2020
Should be 0 static, I have mine plugged into an SMSL SU-8. Most likely one of the wires may be playing up.
Apr 14, 2020
If the static is very loud, like as loud as the audio you want to be listening and not merely just background hum you may have a bad ground somewhere along the way. If so, double check your connections, try unplugging and re-plugging, trying borrowing someone else's 3.5mm to RCA cable or another of yours if you can afford it, etc.
Is this balanced?
Nov 6, 2019
As in true dual mono? No, I believe the engineer covered this in the discussion, but if IIRC, according to him, the performance difference is negligible or non-existent.
What makes this better than the JDS Atom?
Nov 6, 2019
Balanced output for better compatibility and channel separation. Lower single ended power, but significant power through XLR, which the Atom does not have.
Mar 29, 2020
I'm new to the audiophile community, would love some help! I'm a pc gamer who will be plugging this into my pc, what do I need to know and what is required? or is it plug and play to a pc easily? Headphones = HD6XX E.G Will I need to buy an XLR cable? or an extra item? Do I *require* a dac this instant? or can I wait a little after getting the amp What else is recommended to add to my audio setup? What dacs are recommended to pair with this amp?
Apr 14, 2020
Using this amp alone with your computer would not be a waste. Although a motherboard builtin DAC is not ideal, this amp is significantly better than your motherboard's. You just need a 3.5mm audio jack to RCA cable/adapter. The only inputs are RCA and XLR, and you wouldn't have XLR outs on your motherboard. Plug and Play technology doesn't even come in to play here since amps only take analog in. You can definitely wait to get a DAC. An amp will be by far the bigger improvement, so I'd recommend getting this first. Topping makes great, affordable, feature-packed DACs, you can make that your second purchase. Any good external DAC $50+ or a good soundcard like the Creative AE-5 will get you 99% of the way there. I bought a Topping D50s for that last 1%. Of a good gaming system I'd consider good headphones 60%, the amp 30%, and a good DAC 10%. For reference: I own this Amp and mostly use it with Beyerdynamic 990 600ohm. I use it secondarily with Beyer 880's and Grado 325is. My current DAC is the Pico Upsampling DAC, but I have an order in for the Topping D50s to ship later this month.