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284 requests
Product Description
Giving gaming setups worldwide a huge audio advantage, the GSX 1000 External Sound Card from EPOS has become a mainstay in the signal chains of many gamers. Now, the brand is back with second generation of this popular gaming DAC—and this version sees several upgrades Read More
How is this an upgrade? I have the old one and I've been waiting for a new one that can at least drive my 150-ohm headphones (specifically my HD58X) or something higher. Now the recommended impedance is just up to 50 ohms? I know this is marketed for gamers, but for someone who owns higher-impedance headphones, this is a downgrade. Plus what happened to the 96.0 kHz HD mode? The only upgrade I can see is just the USB-C connection. If there are other "upgrades" please indicate them so I can be persuaded to get this and replace my old one.
Can we please get a line level out for this product through future firmware updates? Or a bigger launch of a balanced implementation? Or a software-level DSP I can purchase a license for? The most accurate virtual DSP needs to be able to be heard on more robust amplification to be truly appreciated. It's a shame nobody with an HD800S or HD8XX can hear this DSP without being limited by the amp on the device. More signal chain flexibility is needed.
Well, until your requests are realized, feed the speaker output to an amp and use the amp for volume control. I have done this, but my 800s listening preferred the benefits of a moderately priced DAC and tube amp with the reference id EQ driving the optical out of my PC. I use the Senn 3xx series headset for this product.
EPOS BrainAdapt™ - Audio designed for your brain (
sounds like snake oil and fluff to this ol' boy. The best I can take from it, is some magic noise-canceling for open back headphones. I'll be sticking with my original gsx 1000, so no thank you drop. Also, I sure as hell hope that is a typo of 50 ohms. Come on now.