NarqIt isn't about the cable not being good enough. Some of us want a different cable length, or one that doesn't coil or kink constantly, or has a different sheath material or different termination. For example, the cables for my AQ Nightowl and TRX00 Ebony are terrible. One is a thick and unwieldily piece of garden hose and the other is 10feet of a coiling mess. And as nice as the materials for those individual cables are, using them is more of a nuisance than what it's worth.
For my 58X/6XX, the Y section was just a bit too short for my liking so I got cables that we're longer in this section and have a different material feel. They were inexpensive (about $20) and sound the same as stock while also being a foot shorter.
You could say the same about earpads. I prefer hybrids to just about anything as I find them the most comfortable and have yet to hear these "substantial" sonic differences people go on about. But I don't have golden ears either so who knows. At the end of the day, it all just boils down to personal preference.
jaydunndidditI would say those sonic differences are people giving in to the snake oil(assuming you were talking about cables not pads), and not understanding what the placebo effect is. I even remember someone making the claim that it couldn't be placebo because they owned the original cables for years...I really don't think they even understood what the placebo effect was.
Edit: Also only really referring to people talking about magic cables that are silver or whatever else.
MooTatersWell, in medicine, the take is that if one thinks it works, it works. That seems true enough to apply generally- if I believe something is better or more this or more that, then my experience is that it is more whatever I perceive it to be.
On the other hand, I don't care how much better a cable makes my headphones sound (or makes me believe my headphones sound), I have better things on which to waste my money.