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Update time. Heard back on how everything is going and things are looking pretty good. PCB fab is under way, cases are being constructed, and the keycaps are ready to go.
There was a misunderstanding on the quantity of LCD's needed and the supplier sent 1000 LCD screens instead of 2000, but we're going to keep getting everything assembled while they make the rest of our order. Since we can use the first half to start completing orders, we've asked the case manufacturer to give us the first half of that order as well. This means we'll have to do two batches of shipments because we want to start getting these out to people. The first half should be complete in the next couple of weeks and then we can start shipping them out and the second half should be finished a week or two after that.
All told it's looking like the first half will be landing on people's doorsteps in mid to late September with the rest following up most likely at early October. I'm going to do my best to work with Logistics to work out an order joined shipping, since I think that's the most fair.
As always, thanks for your patience and if you need to change your address or want to cancel please contact Support so they can get you sorted out.
Sep 1, 2015
AlexPkLol, I guess they didn't realize there was an LCD screen on each side... :-)
The Ergodox is so crazy for most people, whenever people see mine, they give a quizzical look as if to say, "why??"
I think the same thing when I see normal horrible staggered membrane keyboards with the facepalm qwerty layout. Why??
Sep 1, 2015
AlexPkGreat, glad to hear some new prospective ship dates. I take it orders will be fulfilled based on who ordered earliest much like other drops such as the Pok3r drop where the first X people got the item right away and the rest got it later?
Sep 1, 2015
AlexPkHow will you decide which boards are on the first shipment? By the order people joined in the drop?
Sep 1, 2015
madgenUnless you ship one half to everyone, then the other half :P (Just kidding, problem with double import and double the postage)
Sep 1, 2015
madgenMost likely. They’ve handled it this way in the past.
Sep 1, 2015
AlexPkSo i'll have to pay VAT 2 times? not cool.... I can't rip invoice in two halves you kno.... Or include an invoice in the parcel with 50% of the payment? (does it work like that?)
Sep 1, 2015
Rob-TI think he means that ~500 people will get both halves of the keyboard in late Sept. Then, the other ~500 people will get both halves of the keyboard in early Oct.
Sep 2, 2015
weehooherodA, yes. I misunderstood. Sorry.
Sep 2, 2015
AlexPkWHY WAS THIS NOT SENT TO BACKERS IN AN EMAIL? I'm tired of digging though the whining to find out the official word on this drop, so here is some more whining about all the whining. There would be less whining here if you actually sent status updates. But after digging though 80 pages of this to find out the status, one is inclined to contribute to this CF of complaints.
Sep 2, 2015
AlexPkThank you for the update, Alex. Is there any way you can also get these updates emailed out?
Sep 2, 2015
etherether -- Try taking a 'dox through airport security in the US! As long as you're not in a hurry, it's pretty funny to watch the person staring at the X-ray machine get alarmed about a keyboard in your luggage... :)
arithonThis obviously won't help you or the others that have mentioned this for this update, but I'm having Logistics email out the update now. I'll bug them to do the same for the others in the future as well.
Sep 2, 2015
AlexPkI thought updates used to get automatically pushed to email. Whatever happened to that? Seems like you guys have been updating your site and a lot of features have gone missing. On the surface at least it seems like a downgrade.
Sep 2, 2015
AlexPkSweet; thank you. I appreciate the extra effort! :)
IaeenLogistics can still send out the email automatically with their shipping updates and such, but this drop is kind of unique with me doing all of the updating. I just have to remember and bug them to send the email each time.
Sep 3, 2015
AlexPkJust want to say thanks for your work on getting this to us. I'm sure you've had some real fun during the project, but I imagine this phase of distribution mess-ups on one side and impatient customers on the other isn't too high on the list of awesome times. Fingers crossed all goes well from here on out but don't give yourself any gray hairs over it if it doesn't. We've clearly all got keyboards to write these messages on so I'm sure we can muster up some patience while we wait for a more awesome keyboard to arrive.
Sep 5, 2015
AlexPkSo is there anyway to join this drop if some people have cancelled?
Sep 5, 2015
reactor451I guess you could email support and ask, but I don't think they generally allow that.
Sep 9, 2015
AlexPkMid to late September is coming up fast. Can we get an update on whether or not you expect to be shipping out in the next week or two?
Sep 10, 2015
CamboCambo, they have so much assembly, packaging, labeling, and other logistical obstacles, I don't think there is any chance this will be shipped in the next couple weeks. That being said, I big time appreciate all the recent updates, and the fact they are including some sort of gift. After paying this much for a keyboard I definitely want it to be right, so I'm glad they're taking quality control this seriously.
Sep 10, 2015
AustinBristerThe last update specified mid to late September is the current expected date for the first customers to receive it at their door step so I feel like its not unreasonable for me to expect that as a potential outcome. I to am glad with all the updates coming recently which is why I'm curious as to whether or not it is still on track for that expected date.
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