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Keydous NJ80 Barebones Wireless RGB Keyboard

Keydous NJ80 Barebones Wireless RGB Keyboard

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Sep 1, 2023
How do we use 2.4GHz with this keyboard? I’ve been using Bluetooth and wired mode. The bundle doesn’t come with an adapter. I’m willing to buy the right product/adapter to make the 2.4GHz connection work, but I’m not sure where to look. Thank you!
Nov 18, 2022
Has anyone had issues with their keyboard? I assembled mine and multiple keys do not register and one even types out multiple different letters with one press. Wondering if anyone else ran into the same issue.
AlpacaAshwell mine after 6 months its just stop working, and when i try to contact customer support they didn't do anything for. and ask me to fix it on my own.
Nov 7, 2022
which one is better? This one vs KEYDOUS NJ80 SMOKE WIRELESS BAREBONES RGB KEYBOARD $105?
Jan 19, 2023
adoramaThey're the same keyboard, just different aesthetics
adoramado not get this board it will break on you in less than a year, check out my review please do not get it. If you got this board already please do yourself a favor and return it before is to late
Oct 7, 2022
is it common that it takes a while to ship
Linsin66If i was you i would cancel my order, This board will stop working in less than a year. i will not recommended
Mar 30, 2023
Juliog1001Why when you had one bad experience you may stop other from experiencing a great experience just because you did not read the TOS, when I got this keyboard it was great and I had no promblems
Apr 27, 2022
It seems like the shipping date changed from June 7th to April 29th. I got an email yesterday that my board was shipped and I placed my order a week ago so lets hope it arrives soon!
Feb 21, 2022
So I ordered this end of November expecting a drop date of around January. As I mentioned before, I got an email saying there was a delay - I thought later in the month but surprise! it was actually a couple months down: March. I thought I'd check again since it's almost end February as I type this. I'm still interested in it and I thought I might just get it "again" since I've done my homework and watched reviews, I've purchased switches and lube and films etc. I'm ready! "Estimated ship date is June 7, 2022 PT." BRUH
Mar 9, 2022
dang dude, that's really unfortunate. if it's any consolation (misery loves company? lol) my IK75 never came from aliexpress lol. got dropped off in hebron, kentucky and I live at the other side of the country, so... yeah. what's your plan? return it? get a refund? or are you gonna break it open and take a look?
Mar 9, 2022
KyrosI'm too tired to disassemble right now but I'll do it tomorrow. I sent a customer support ticket to see what they can do though so hopefully in the end I get a product that works ~
Jan 31, 2022
I ordered mine is December and it still has to ship lmfao
Any updates on when it'll actually ship?
Feb 15, 2022
thedonkeydotheworkWe need to all email them. Extending the shipping date is ridiculous and just wrong. If they cannot make they date they posted, they should just say so in the first place. I have not even recieved an email for why they extended the shipping date. It's actually ridiculous. Will never buy from here after this time.
Feb 17, 2022
thedonkeydothework "Keydous NJ80 Barebones - In transit and scheduled to arrive 03/01/2022" "new estimated shipping date is March 15th, 2022."
Has anyone researched changing the knob? Purchasing this for my son (the 8yr old mechanical keyboard expert-haha!) Cohen asked me about changing the knob to something more along the lines of an artisan version, told him I was not sure, but surely we are not the first...... He has his eye on some switches he discovered from Switch and Click called Azure Dragon from Gopolar. Im going to try and match the color scheme of the new knob to switches. If any one has any suggestions or advice I'm all ears.
Feb 11, 2022
fuseman30The knob is switchable. I haven't seen anyone make artisan knobs, however Keydous Taobao store has some knobs. You can also 3d print them
Dec 14, 2021
> receives email from drop > reads email from drop "oh, a delay... okay, so maybe late january instead?" > march lol bruh
Jan 23, 2022
KyrosI was disappointed too. Thinking of just refunding and getting another keyboard but I've waited for too long might as well wait.
Jan 24, 2022
choochootranI got a refund. the nice thing is that there's still a month left so if you change your mind again, you can still re-buy it lol. I ended up getting a cheaper keyboard and some switches and keycaps while waiting.
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