TopreLoveThree slightly different grey options yet no paris pink or any other color excepto of course 2 variations of blue lol. Also no idea what weight color will come with it?
Pretty lame to make a nice solid white design that is just a render that out matches the actual colors you're offering lol the one from pictures 1,3 and 5 would have had my money so quick, even despite the fact that you're calling this an hhkb when it's very obviously not
Ahh ok, all of that seems to be missing from the details, and the renders aren't indicative of this either lol but also didn't know hhkbs only used 6u spacebars, as I've seen for the most part, a pretty even split between 6 and 7, I guess the tokyo60 isn't an actual hhkb either?
this is the "original" hhkb layout, once it got more eyeballs on it well, I guess people wanted the bottom row to be symmetrical for aesthetics, so the 6u spacebar was extended to a 7u spacebar like that of a tsangan bottom row. Also yeah, drop listings are often lacking, better to search the web for more info.
JoshimitsuI think fredrikp is referring to the renders. If you look at the first picture (and the group picture), it is a render and the bottom row of the HHKB has one too many keys (three on the left of the spacebar plus the blocker...which isn't even a supported layout according to your attached picture). The render gets fixed in the angled shots.