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I can get a pair of V Moda Crossfade Wireless headphones for about the same price. Any suggestions on which to choose?
Dec 9, 2018
foolishMastermindPer Z Reviews on youtube he did not care for the V Modas they did not have any soundstage and the highs were very shrill he had though. I bought these on this massdrop as of now for $99 which is a pretty good deal. I have some Plantronics Back Beat Pro 2 these are replacing. The ANC is crap on them anyways and they are very uncomfortable for a longer plan ride.
Dec 10, 2018
mrpink57The biggest difference between these and the V-Moda is the build quality. I would go for the V-Moda myself, just because it's such a better value. That said, I own some Wireless IIs, and will also join this drop, because I do sometimes get tired of them and the Backbeat Pro 2. I need to hear these.
Dec 10, 2018
samlc99The BackBeat Pro 2 I found is a great headphone if you make a lot of call they have that technology down. But for music I find it just exhausting.
mrpink57So I ended up getting the V-Modas b/c I could return them. And I did just about immediately because the sound leakage was worse than just about any cans I'd ever had. Needed them for the office. Appreciate your input
Dec 10, 2018
foolishMastermindDid you enjoy them? They make an XL pad that might have helped with sound leakage. I guess what I like about these M&O phones is you can use other pads pretty easily. Seems like from my uneducated guess the VModas have to use VModa pads?
Dec 11, 2018
foolishMastermindHave you give any thought to Marshall Major headphones? They are on-hear though.
mrpink57I believe they only take V Moda brand pads, but I was shocked by the amount of sound leak and basically wrote off any hope of making it work.
satsehMy ears get sore fairly easily and over ear is a necessity. Thanks for the suggestion though
Jan 26, 2019
foolishMastermindI had some wired crossfades the build quality is way better on them than the M&O but I like the sound quality on the M&O's better. Just depends what is more important to you. With the M&O's I put different earpads on them that are a bit thicker it helps with comfort. The Crossfades say over ear which they kind of are but they are a shallow pad so your ear will probably hit the headphones and cause discomfort.
Nov 18, 2019
kenshinescaWhat pads did you put on yours? I really want to swap them because they sit on my ears but i feel like Brainwavz might be too big.
Nov 18, 2019


Left is new pad right is original pad. These were $15 when I bought them they are not less than $10 with free shipping. I'd buy a couple to be honest just to have on hand. I never thought I had big ears but the original feels like an on ear to me so this was a big improvement for not much money. They installed pretty easily and were comfortable from the start and seal very well, they do pretty well on noise isolation on a plane. I'd say buy a pair from Monoprice and try it out see how it works and if you want later get some brainwavz, however I think these pads are rebranded brainwavz but no memory foam.
Nov 21, 2019
mrpink57Thanks for the reply man! I actually ended up going with brainwavz and though they were a pain to get on i am super happy with the result. I could be trippin since its impossible to just switch them back and forth but i don'
t feel like they changed the sound at all.
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