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Sep 23, 2017
The 3M dual lock isn't holding the microphone too securely on my headphones. It wobbles and falls off if you tug on the cable a little bit.
The microphone itself sounds great, but you guys really need to fix the mounting solution.
I see that the microphone is using the type 250 dual lock (it is wavy). According to 3M, if we replace one of the sides with a type 400 dual lock, the bond will be even stronger. I might try this.
Sep 23, 2017
lkrasnovOK just verified that our Minimics got shipped with type 250 3M dual lock. I counted ~58 contact points per disk. The disk is 0.526" in diameter. So, 58/(pi * (.526/2)^2) = 267 per sq in OR about 250 per sq in.
In the long post above by YanboWu, he said he had ~85 contact points per disk. This would be the equivalent of type 400 3M dual lock. 400*(pi * (.526/2)^2) = 87 contact points.
So, it sounds like Massdrop's test model of the Minimic used the stronger type 400 3M dual lock and the production model got shipped with type 250. This would explain the issues everyone is having with mounting their mics.
@YanboWu Can you look into this? Massdrop could fix this by shipping everyone who ordered the Minimic, the correct 3M dual lock.
Sep 25, 2017
lkrasnovGood catch ! MD's QC is pretty pathetic lately :(
lkrasnovHoly shit this is a good catch. I knew something was different. 2017 is really the year of the defects for Massdrop.
Sep 25, 2017
rhinocerosbladderIt's almost like there's a reason that companies specialize in one kind of product. So they can do testing and R&D.
Sep 26, 2017
lkrasnovyeah, this is my only negative, mount is crap
lkrasnovYep, I'll look into this.
EDIT: Did a few more experiments on my end. I think we have the root cause nailed down. It's nothing so insidious as switching to an inferior dual lock. Manufacturing by itself is already complicated enough without throwing a wrench into your production to save a few cents per unit.
I'll have an updated post out to everyone in a few.
Sep 27, 2017
lkrasnovReally good catch.
Sep 28, 2017
YanboWuSee my post here
Kind of hard to believe that either you or your manufacturer didn't decide to use the inferior dual lock. I'll give you guys the benefit of the doubt and assume it was an accident, but it did slip past quality control.
Sep 29, 2017
lkrasnovYep, 250 dual-lock on mine as well -- very wobbly and prone to get bumped off. Sucks. :(