I don't quite know how I should rate this... It's compact, looks nice and input, output and buttons are in right places. It's unlikely that there's better alternative for this price around. O2 is neutral (which should be the norm) and it's quite clean. That being said, similarly specced non-Massdrop O2 amps are not really worth it for the price especially if you plan to use it with desktop computer. For desktop use Sound BlasterX AE-5 would be much better choice since the amp in it is cleaner (better snr), has superior dynamic range and much less crosstalk (and has more than enough power to handle hard to drive headphones too). On top of that you get a really good dac. AE-5 has much bigger advantage than you'd think (it's not small). Not only is it clearly visible in simple RMAA test but you can quite easily notice the more compressed dynamic range and worse sound stage & imaging (thanks to higher crosstalk).
Oh, and do buy the 1x & 3,3x gain version. I haven't found any use for high gain and dedicated PC sound cards have so strong line outs that makes me want some kind of analogue de-gain option. Also I had to buy power adapter separately since the one included is rather shoddy and doesn't have EU plug.
Tup3x"I don't quite know how I should rate this... It's compact, looks nice and input, output and buttons are in right places. It's unlikely that there's better alternative for this price around. O2 is neutral (which should be the norm) and it's quite clean. That being said, similarly specced non-Massdrop O2 amps are not really worth it for the price especially if you plan to use it with desktop computer. For desktop use Sound BlasterX AE-5 would be much better choice since the amp in it is cleaner (better snr), has superior dynamic range and much less crosstalk (and has more than enough power to handle hard to drive headphones too). On top of that you get a really good dac. AE-5 has much bigger advantage than you'd think (it's not small). Not only is it clearly visible in simple RMAA test but you can quite easily notice the more compressed dynamic range and worse sound stage & imaging (thanks to higher crosstalk)."
Ahh, you assume alot here,. but i must inform you that you are mistaken. For 1 cross-talk is measured at different output level firstly.,, Secondly, in terms of dynamic range, the 02(at full output) does 131dynamic range, same as the ae5(130) does when it's in line-output mode at full output. However, here cowboy is where things get interesting! (not considering the Ae5 dynamic rnge is very different in headphone mode using xamp than line-out mode..) when you adjust the sound of the ae-5, in your software volume control, that compresses the dynamic range of your audio, and corrupts the bit samples of the original source material, which changes the source material, and decreases dynamic range, However. So using the 02 with the AE5 simply ensures more or less, afaik, in one way a much more accurate output, since the dynamic range isnt crushed(like what happen when you lower your windows/program volume, the dynamic range is reduced), and the samples arnt corrupted, and then you can then get bit perfect output for reference playback at-level. Afterall, foruthly, not all headphones playback at the same level, so some volume adjustment someplace is necessary, with just a plain ae-5 that volume adjustment for headphones (at least) would be in software, virtually, and that change would change the actual source material more then just changing the volume level of the bit, but also, by crushing the dynamic range, to accommodate your headphone, by changing the bit samples.. With the 02 however, you can set it for basically reference playback at the correct level with the analog volume control, and output from windows 100, or using ASIO, and see all the original sampled bits of the content, just output the bits exactly without changing the bits in the middle, then only changing the volume level at the analog stage with the 02 volume control to accommodate your headphones in order so that a 90 decibel test tone material is reproduced at 90 decibels out of your headphone to your ears, without messing with the bits in windows ;-). then you get a "reference playback" if your a a master. So that 90 decibels is reproduces at 90 decibels, without changing the actual bit and source material by end-point (besides maybe a little thd + your headphone response(unless you eq (with an electronics eq, can be near 115snr too))) Also both the 02 and AE5 headphone amps claim to have about the same SNR as well. The AE5 headphone xamp is "115" a-weighted when used as an amp, the 02 is 115 a-weighted when used as an amp, but the 02 is also rated as SNR 112db@1vRMS and SNR 104db@400mVRMS or 105db@400mVRMS =) so unless the AE5 puts out more information by creative. we'd only be guessing I think.., Also with 2 O2's you escape crosstalk even better. But yah i think the sentiment of value; you can get an ae5 audio processor for around 100 bucks christmass season, which is WAAAAAAAYYYY more tech than a little 02 amp, containing thousands on thousands of transistors and components. but with the 02 you need the separate power supply, and the enclosure, and those handy buttons ;-) I'd be happy to see the massdrop 02 at like 60 bucks, no more, especially given the 1 year warranty is it? or 30 days., the mayflower 02 made in America is the same price and offers a 10 year warranty @$100. Go figure. Youd think moving production to china would net us more value back through massdrop? nah ah (nope). Now, would i say using an 02 with the ae5 is totally lossless, well i wouldn't say so, but for reference playback, and for achieving the greatest dynamic range for a given headphone, the 02 has alot to offer in combination with an ae-5 source. Have aobut some AEX cga (computer generated audio effects).,m you hear steam supports a new hardware accelerated audio platform and windows 10 added back a hardware acceleration itnerface., So quality realtime effect processing is back, but creative refuses to answer me on if the AE5 supports "steam audio"., it;s just like ole EAX processing the card used to support.,, Creatives silent, im over there on amazon bugging them, the only person, i'm sure they don't appreciate it., but heck, i like my audio.. You might not know this but ps3 and ps4 and Xbox's and Nintendo all have onboard dsp's for effect processing, imo pc gaming ( pc video gaming) took major steps back, thanks to Microsoft's action for Windows Vista..,
Oh, and do buy the 1x & 3,3x gain version. I haven't found any use for high gain and dedicated PC sound cards have so strong line outs that makes me want some kind of analogue de-gain option. Also I had to buy power adapter separately since the one included is rather shoddy and doesn't have EU plug.