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Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee Headphones

Massdrop x Sennheiser HD 58X Jubilee Headphones

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Drop Earpads for HD 6XX & 58X
Review Highlights:
The best choice for most people
After a few months trading back and forth between these and the HD6XX, I really think most people will be much happier with these. I do most of my listening to my ripped ALAC collection and/or Tidal on my iPhone through the lightning adapter. The Hd6XX are fine with this, but definitely don’t shine like they do when plugged into my desktop computer or receiver, whereas the HD58X sound pretty much the same (great) no matter what you plug them into. If you had to have just one and will do any listening through a portable source, go for these. As for actual performance, they sound like a slightly more energetic set of Sennheiser open-back headphones. Bass guitars come to life on these, and there is enough sparkle on the high end to satisfy most folks. A really great set of headphones at any price.
Would recommend to a friend.
This is a tough review to write. I know these are not 5 star headphones but every time I change it to 4 I feel like I am selling them short. I have plenty of headphones that are technically better in every single way but found myself having to listen to music I normally wouldn't in order to appreciate what they had to offer. The problem I always had was the music I like is normally poorly recorded and those headphones would just suck the fun out of most of my favorite albums. This includes the 600's and 6xx's. I'm not sure what I expected when I bought these. I've been daydreaming about the 660s and seen another 150ohm Sennheiser with the 6xx series looks for $150 and figured why not. Massdrop shipped them quick and they got here in no time despite the normally slow fedex/usps thing. I have a regular new headphone ritual where I open up foobar and play Reasonable Doubt. Normally I skip through that album in a couple minutes because those other headphones makes the poor quality samples and overall poor recording quality unbearable to listen to. I usually have to use my jbl s700's or ATH-WS1100's for old school hip hop. This is where this review may get a little weird so I apologize in advance. Now I have these on and hit play. Can't Knock the Hustle starts playing and the heart beat starts. At the 30 second mark it dawns on me I am sitting here with my eyes closed remembering when I first bought the cassette back in the day not really even listening. Then the 42sec mark hits and sitting in a room alone I actually say ooh. I sat there with my feet up and eyes closed and listened to the entire album. Not once did I have the flaws of the album forced on me or even thought to look for them. The entire time I was having memories of the first time I listened to the album and enjoyed it just as much as I did then. I know all that probably sounded weird but what I'm about to say may sound even more weird. All of my so called "audiophile" grade headphones always gave me the impression they were tuned by someone a generation older to fit the music they enjoyed when they were younger. These are the first quality pair of headphones that feel like they are tuned by someone from my generation. A lot of audiophile headphones don't seem to like hip hop or at least late 80's early 90's hip hop but these do. Everything just sounds pleasurable. My collection of music is just not hip hop and I normally have to switch headphones depending on what I want to listen to but I haven't felt the need with these. The only real shortcomings I think these headphones have is the soundstage and separation. I'm strictly speaking stock in this review because those can be improved. I find the soundstage to be very close to the 600's and separation of instruments to be a bit less or softer than both the 600's and the 6xx's. I would definitely like more soundstage stock but I think the way these do separation is part of why they work so well with all music and are so pleasurable. If your playlist goes from wu tang to rage to Biggie to Nirvana to Dessa to Wayne to you get the point these are for you. I have seen some comments of owners saying they had some graininess with theirs but I have no sign of that with mine. I did have that with those ATH-WS1100's but it went away after a week of use so hopefully those who have/had that issue with these will have the luck I had with those.
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Q&A Highlights:
Are these better than my Beats?
That is a definitive yes. I think the only place that the beats can beat the sennheiser hd58x to is who is going to be quicker in going inside the trash can and I believe that beats will win that round hands down, no competition xD. But on a serious note, there is no way any beats model could surpass the sound quality that this can produce
Will this work with my phone?
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: They won’t sound like the $160 you paid for and you will also need to crank up the volume quite a bit.
See all 272 questions
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Is this wireless?
Oct 3, 2019
No. Did someone really ask this?
Are these better than my Beats?
Oct 3, 2019
That is a definitive yes. I think the only place that the beats can beat the sennheiser hd58x to is who is going to be quicker in going inside the trash can and I believe that beats will win that round hands down, no competition xD. But on a serious note, there is no way any beats model could surpass the sound quality that this can produce
May 9, 2020
First off, I will NOT consider myself to be an audiophile as I am yet a beginner, an apprentice. For much of my life I was in the dark, unable to see the light. So, the Beats style headphones was all I knew, and I cared not as DAT BASS was all I ever wanted, all I knew and unfortunately...all I ever cared to know. I was the Trump supporter of headphones, unable to unveil the shroud of lies fed to me through society, as I scuffed at the mere idea of open back headphones because I viewed them as overpriced, weak sounding, and just odd looking. We all experienced the recent events that transpired, this invisible enemy that ravaged this country as we were forced to bunker down at home. And it was during this time where it finally dawned on me, as I failed to quantify the importance of how a set of headphones "looked" when the only judge was a mirror that I seldom looked into. So, as I wanted to buy a new pair or headphones, I finally decided to give the Philips SHP9500's a try. Shuffled through many reviews stating that they were a stellar option for the "foot in the door" in the world of open back headphones. And oooh lord...The self guilt that punched me in the gut as I finally understood why people loved open backs. No longer were the varying frequencies gawking over one another to give me what I want to hear, they were delivered in formation as a proper unit should. Now I caught a glimpse of the light and I wished to see more. So after much consideration, I bought...well more like splurged on a pair of the Sennheiser HD58x's and the Hifiman 4xx's, along with a Schiit stack Dac/Amp combo. And HOLY SCHIIT!! Now I have stepped out of the darkness that was the cave of ignorance. I was greeted by a symphony of angels in audio heaven, each note supporting one another in perfect harmony to create this hair-raising experience as you become immediately entranced in the vocals that deliciously breathe into your hear. The bass, the SUB BASS that I haven't known to exist until this moment, only to confirm my stupidity of neglecting myself this very experience! The clarity of it all, the realization that the bass I was showering my ears with was just disgusting mud. The highs that I used to suppress, as previously they used to attack with a screeching vengeance, causing my ears to hide in fear. Now they shimmer along so peacefully, as you catch glimpses of the their brilliance as they pass on by. The tranquility of the natural tones, like a steady stream that weaves between the rocks, to the thunderous crash of a waterfall, yes these headphones sound like how nature intended it to be. And sadly, just like nature, it is exploited to make us believe that it provides us with no purpose, as we are told time and time again that "convenience" is what we must desire. I now realize that mainstream headphones are only compensating with the boisterous bass response to hide their lack of clarity an quality, as they force us to believe they are superior because of convenience. But I ask you, are cords really that "inconvenient"? Before we even draw our first breath, are we not the very definition of the miracle of life? Connected to our mothers by a "cord" I might add. Embrace the cord, shun the mainstream world we live in as I did. My ears are open for the first time, and I will never again judge a headphone through a popularity contest. Open your heart, your ears, your headphones, and you will find a truly magnificent experience, and you will never look back in regret.
May 13, 2020
Shin_DigSennheisser does bass just fine. I suspect when someone says "I like bass" they probably listen to bass heavy music. Guess what Sennheisser can do better than anyone else. Faithfully reproduce music. Even bassy music. Beats exaggerating bass will sound like sh1t. What a waste of money
Jun 8, 2020
Shin_DigDamn, you should become a seller and everyone would buy from your mere words lol.
Jul 27, 2020
Shin_Diglmao that was me but with airpods and then iems
Sep 5, 2020
Shin_DigBS, Truth is, If you don't vote for Biden, "You ain't Beats enough!
Dec 25, 2020
Shin_DigI love this! You review is a humorous yet spiritual piece on auditory liberation. I'll look forward to stepping into the light of the HD58X myself soon. Cheers.
Feb 7, 2021
Shin_DigAMEN!! Thats where i was some time ago till i was shined by the light!! “ and you will know the truth and the truth will let you free” beats are a fashion statement that people get sucked into. But high end headphones you have to really experience. FAR SUPERIOR than any beats.
Jul 17, 2021
Shin_DigI am a Trump supporter. Way to make even headphones political. I loved you description of the headphone. Didn't like you bringing your religion into it. I can say they same about your politics which is really a way of life - really a new cultic religion. See - I can separate the two.
Jul 26, 2021
Shin_Dighow many drama classes have you taken
Nov 30, 2021
Shin_DigI almost stopped reading at the introduction of politics in a headphone answer. But, the rest that I read shows my current and future country of headphones. Beautifully written.
Oct 3, 2019
Beats are more of a fashion statement rather than high quality audio but in my opinion the HD58X looks really nice and they sound even better, WAY better than beats in my opinion. So either way I would recommend the HD58X over beats.
Oct 3, 2019
Finley_TThese are way better than the beats.
May 5, 2020
beats suck.
Jun 11, 2021
RatsForSaleshessh someone gets it. They really do suck dick
May 5, 2021
Even the $18 Koss Ksc75 or $30 Koss Porta Pros are better than your Beats...
Jun 11, 2021
EasyXPI haven't used the Koss products but I'm sure anything will be better than Beats. Beats suck dick.
May 7, 2020
Just about anything is better than Beats
Oct 3, 2019
it always comes down to what you like, beats are more of a branding thing, if you are more into wearing a brand than the quality of what you are hearing then beats are fine, if you also like closed back headphones with big bass (regardless of the quality and amount of it), an open set like this will not be for you because open headphones don't do big bass
Jun 11, 2021
Beats headphone sucks dick honestly from experience of hearing Bose, Sony, Sennheiser and those types of brands. I dont understand what all the hype is about with Beats headphones. It really sucks 100%. One shouldn't even be comparing to these brands.
Jul 13, 2020
I don't think this is a one to one though. Beats are closed back headphones and these are open backs, two completely different styles of headphones with different overall sound. That being said since going to open back for gaming I am looking forward to my future purchase of these once I have a dac/amp setup to transition to listening to music with these instead of my Beats Studio 3. Open back gaming has made me see the light and really understand true sound stages and clarity in audio something in all of the years I have had Beats I have never been able to experience.
Oct 4, 2019
I mean, sound quality wise, as stated by others, hella no. But it's way more portable tho since it's closed-back.
Feb 24, 2020
Oct 3, 2019
Better is subjective but since I hate Beats, I'll say yes. It depends on what you like. Only YOU can decide if they're better or not.
May 5, 2020
SpaceCadet24its hard to say beats are better in any situation. theres not really any way to prefer those to anything in the HD lineup.
Oct 3, 2019
Definitely, I have owned both and I’ve like my hd58x’s way more.
Jun 4, 2024
I prefer open back headphones, so yes
Jul 29, 2022
For outside, beats are better, for inside - 58x.
Jun 25, 2021
Whoever hears the sennheiser hd 58x jubilee. You will be bliss with some heavenly sound quality! You will hear your favorite recordings in a whole new light and maybe pick out some details that might be finer compare to the beats headphones of any beats line model. Sennheiser hd58x jubilee open back can be easily pushed up to a louder sound than beats without any distortion. Your ears won't know how loud your hearing because there is no sound fatigue and possibly way easier to get hearing damage with the shear sound of pure enjoyment. Bass isn't really everything. It definitely should be there. But really compliment overall with the music and blend. Mid range should be slightly more forth coming and so that it helps the treble to shine. You might get the sub bass from sennheisr hd58xx jubilee with a right headphone amp and dac set up to get the full benefits. Should be hard to distort these headphones when playing it loud. If you favor looks before sound quality. Beats has that covered in spades. But once you step into the world of true hi fi sound quality. Almost nothing will sound the same again! Sony headphone lines might come close. Beyer dynamic dt770 sounds close to the sennheiser signature. But in a close back version. You will forever be searching for the sennheiser jd58xx jubilee signature when looking for a new pair. The only one that can beat the jubilee coild be the sennheiser hd600. Then from on it would be the more higher price ones. Dt770 beyerdynamic is probably the best bang for the buck and this sennheiser jubilee. Any person who buy this hd58xx should not be disappointed with this purchase. Buy this and then get a headphone dac amp. You should not be disappointed.
Aug 1, 2020
110%...Beats are owned by apple, everything apple is hot garbage, don't buy apple
Oct 28, 2020
xholmesEveryone is entitled to their own opinions of course and these are mine. Beats made crap headphones long before Apple bought them. If anything, Apple made them slightly better. As far as everything they make being “hot garbage”, I’ve been using apple products for the better part of 4 decades and aside from the iPad 3, have been happy with their products. Hell, I used my first iMac for more than 10 years and it ran fine until the last 2 or 3.
What's the difference between the HD 58X and HD 6XX?
Oct 3, 2019
Such a potential can of worms here... I think it comes down to 2 things:
  1. The subjective/personal experience of which sounds better (and there are hundreds of opinions out there about which one sounds better and/or how they are different). Even if 2 people agree on how they differ in sound, they might disagree on which they prefer.
  2. The objective difference, of which there is really only one that matters- impedance. You have to use an amp with the 6XX @ 300 ohms. You can get away without one on the 150 ohm 58X (but I don't recommend it). Otherwise, I don't find any spec or build differences that really matter (at least for me).
If you're on the move, with your phone, and don't want to slip a portable headphone amp in the chain, the 58X would be the better choice. Personally, I use my 6XX with an amp, primarily for gaming and listening to music that is on my pc. My 58X is plugged into a keyboard, without an amp. They both sound and feel fantastic. Choosing between them, for me, is fairly impossible. I love them both, I would be fine with just one or the other. And, at the end of the day, I don't think anyone could make a wrong choice by buying either one or both. The only bad decision would be not to buy one at all.
May 2, 2020
I already have the 6xx. Tell me why I need this one?
May 7, 2020
You don’t
Will this work with my phone?
Oct 4, 2019
Short answer: Yes. Long answer: They won’t sound like the $160 you paid for and you will also need to crank up the volume quite a bit.