Finally got mine today (original drop). I'm in NS Canada and if anyone was wonder I had to pay an extra $40 CAD. $30 for tax and $10 for Canada post handling fee.
Serial number 277
G-CrakaMy tracking finally updated, and has a note that I'll owe $20 in taxes and duty when it arrives, and I'm sure there will be the $10 handling fee on top of that. Assuming it's accurate, I wonder why mine is $10 less? Must be due to HST in NS I suppose.
G-CrakaI had to pay an extra 40 for my HE-4XXs. It's something I account for now in massdrop purchases. Basically means if you live in Canada there's not much point to buying anything on massdrop that isn't a really sweet massdrop exclusive like the HD-58Xs or HE-4XXs and others. Sucks but in the end at least the exclusives are a sick deal no matter what.
Serial number 277