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MelGeek Electric Duster Air System

MelGeek Electric Duster Air System

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941 requests
Product Description
The MelGeek Electric Suter Air System is a must for any Mech Keys enthusiast. With the push of a button, you can blast away the buildup between your keys, giving your fingers a clean canvas to type on Read More

please.... do not use air (compressed or other) on your keyboards. pull the keycaps, turn them over, and use a simple paintbrush to dust away any debris. compressed air (cannister or like this) does nothing but shove the dirt around, or push it further into the board.... or worse, into your nicely lubed stabs. the fact that this is coming from a keyboard company is both ironic, and sad.
Apr 10, 2022
Never mind that it is Melgeek here. August ship-date? For an air duster?
1. Modern PC components are protected from ESD people have literally zapped their system while it was running and had 0 effect. 2. If you shut down and discharge your system when cleaning it matters even less (many people do this so they can start with a vacuum).
Apr 12, 2022
quicklytoo4Oh this is correct. I always forget about that. I recently heard about the LTT video with the guy that purposely shocks himself and how they purposely tried to break a computer through static discharge to no avail.
Apr 10, 2022
I thought after the fiasco with the Melgeek Mojo60, you were not to be doing business with Melgeek anymore.
Apr 10, 2022
Vandenhul Apparently the Mojo68 did well enough even though it's not been shipped out yet (ships in july) and that was the "second chance". I'm confused. The listing for the "second chance" hasn't even finished yet they're already pushing for another product by melgeek? Not to mention there was no update to any of the community about bringing back Melgeek on a trial basis before I actively sought out response from Kevin, the person who put out the initial statement about not ever running a Melgeek product again.
Vandenhulthis has apparently happened a few times now. "not working with them again" after mda plastic as well. and yet, here we are.
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