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Feb 7, 2020
An okay offering for Movado, at least its an automatic but, this watch can be had on the web for $364 at several websites. Not a great deal really. I am very disappointed with Drop. Since their name change from Massdrop, their prices are higher and the offerings have been less than spectacular.
Feb 7, 2020
tbechtxDon't forget, a lot of buyers here are non-US based enthusiasts (Europe, Asia, Canada, etc.). Those "other" websites you talk about usually charge much, much, higher shipping charges compared to Drop. So even if you end up paying a bit more on the watch, for those non-USA buyers, you still have a better overall deal here. You have to think globally and stop thinking about the USA market; it's probably a good/great deal to much more people than you think!
Feb 7, 2020
BobrazSo you don't care about ripping off your USA customers?? As long as the rest of the world gets a deal? Are you an American Co...??
Feb 7, 2020
Watch23Every retailer has different prices for the same products, for a variety of business reasons and "ripping off" is normally not a reason ( but see my last two paragraphs for more on this). What I meant is, the overall cost of this watch, for a non-USA buyer, is interesting because of shipping. So it's unfair to just broadly make a blanket declaration that this Drop is "not a great deal", because a "deal" will be different for buyer X in the USA compared to buyer Y in say, Sweden. So I would have agreed with you if you had declared something like "for buyers in the USA there are better deals elsewhere". Don't forget, Drop is online because they want to reach a global customer base, not just the USA; in fact, most growth for online businesses comes from foreign customers, not USA customers! So Drop, like others, have to balance their prices with their fixed costs, their operations costs, and their profit and loss objectives. Other online or brick-and-mortar retailers will have their own (different) costs structures and as a result different retail prices. That is why, for the same product (let's say, this watch or a pair of sneakers), prices will be different on Amazon, Drop, Macy, Target, or the independent watch store in the mall near your home. However, some American (or foreign) companies never had any problems about ripping off their own customers in the USA or elsewhere. Do you have an iPhone? There you go, you've been ripped off (Apple overcharges grossly, it is in their strategy and they get away with it). Do you have a Rolex? Then you've been ripped off (Rolex overcharges also - they can do it due to desirability on the market). Do you have a luxury car? Then there are chances you've been ripped off if you bought extra options (those usually have grossly inflated prices). You get the idea, if corporations can overcharge and get away with it and still sell successfully, they will do it - no corporation will be sad for their USA customers. In fact, many USA food corporations already screw their customers; they slightly reduce the size of their goods but continue charging the same price. For example, a bottle of juice that was 1.0 liter is made 0.7 liter but sold the same price, or a chocolate tablet is made smaller but still sold at the same price - it's called shrinkflation. Google it, it's a new "ripping off" strategy that has been very popular among USA corporation, and it's being done to you every day. PS: I am a Canadian consumer, not a company, but I understand how companies work.
Feb 7, 2020
Watch23No, Europeen!!
Feb 8, 2020
Kyo9999Sounds like you are accusing someone of urinating?! There's no place for that kind of talk on MD!
Feb 8, 2020
Bobraz Oh, so you say: "because a "deal" will be different for buyer X in the USA compared to buyer Y in say, Sweden." Well if they just would have sold us Greenland (or was it Iceland--they're so easy to mix up?) they would have been our 51st state by now and Amazon would be offering them free, one-day, Prime shipping! Something you should think about next time your PM is negotiating a trade deal with Trump! Resistance is futile, Canada!

Feb 8, 2020
RayFIt's all going down the drain due to Covfefe!
Feb 8, 2020
BobrazSadly so, sadly so.
Feb 8, 2020
Watch23First rule of Communication: know who the hell you're communicating with. @Bobraz is not MD, he is not "ripping off...USA customers"--and he is most definitely not "and American Co", he's just a member (who happens to live in Canada), who was responding to another member's comment. He was using communication skills. The government in Canada forces their children to learn them in school. Here in 'merica, communication skills are considered elitist and aren't encouraged. Lucky for you.
Feb 8, 2020
RayFWhat do you mean? What do you say? Another one who says anything !!!!
Feb 8, 2020
Kyo9999Guessing English is not your first language then?
Feb 8, 2020
RayFYou are right ! If it was a joke, I didn't understand ! I just say a simple question, and the others answer me ! That's all !
Feb 8, 2020
Kyo9999Well as they say: things do get lost in the translation. No harm, no foul!
Feb 9, 2020
RayFActually those charges are dismissed but way to bring up politics in a situation that didn’t warrant it.
Feb 9, 2020
hks128Not dismissed, acquitted by his coconspirators (aka: the Republican party he's holding hostage), but way to bring up Fox News talking points in a situation that absolutely warrants it :- )

Feb 9, 2020
RayFWay to assume I get my news from Fox just because I called you out on a nonsensical point you made. i don’t watch fox and can’t stand them, FYI. I actually hst most of my news from left leaning sources, so way to be wrong on both counts. Stay salty brother.
Feb 9, 2020
tbechtxI was only finding this for about 460 for the blue face and 600 for the black face on amazon.
Feb 9, 2020
hks128We don't do "black face" any more--it's blatantly racist.
Feb 9, 2020
RayFwow...way to assume I’m republican or a trump supporter...lmfao. all because I said you’re bringing up politics where there needn’t be any... keep it up though-you’re definitely winning people to your side.
Feb 9, 2020
RayF🤦🏽‍♂️ You have got to be kidding me...only you would draw that from what I said. The watch has a ‘black face’. Good lord dude...step out of politics and into the real world.
Feb 9, 2020
hks128The watch has a black dial, and you my friend, are far to defensive (and slow on the uptake) to be anything other than a republican.
But that's okay--just state your case--it's a free country--for now.

Feb 9, 2020
RayFCool story bro. You’re too much of a fucking idiot to realize the irony in your statement on me getting defensive.’s too* not ‘to’. Learn proper grammar.
Feb 9, 2020
hks128Ooh...a touchy trumper too!

They're easiest to smoke out ;- )
Feb 9, 2020
RayFDude. You’re so unbelievably predictable. based on your taste on drop products, I really thought you were knowledgeable but you’re quite really is a shame because based on your interests and what you claim to have purchased, you seem interesting...but you seem more interested in calling out non-republicans on being republicans, simply because they call you out on being political where it was unnecessary...again because it seems I need to remind stupid people. you’re aware that there are republicans that buy from here too right?
Feb 9, 2020
hks128I could be wrong; maybe you’re a Replicant? Tough to tell you guys apart these days. By the way, it’s generally ineffective to try and gauge a person by their MD purchases—they only sell what the sell, not necessarily what we want.
Feb 9, 2020
RayFNope. Not republican but you’re honestly too fucking stupid to know the difference. By the claim I’m a trump supporter but I’m a brown guy that was heavily in favor of Obama. Really would feel pretty dumb right now if i were you. Funny because you could’ve seen my last name and seen that
Feb 9, 2020
hks128You’re assuming I was interested?
Feb 9, 2020
RayFYou obviously seem like it. Considering how easily you make stupidly retarded assumptions I mean interesting how quickly you seem to be backtracking after finding out I’m not white huh?
Feb 9, 2020
hks128No idea what color you are, nor am I interested. One either acknowledges trump for the swine he is or they don’t. In other words, regardless of race, you’ve already revealed your “true colors” ;- )

Feb 9, 2020
RayFThanks for proving yourself to be the moron you are. You just put a screenshot of occupy democrats. Literally fake news. Congrats on losing the infinitesimal credibility you had... you and your ilk claim you don’t care about race, but your actions show a different story. I’m just waiting for you to throw a racist sentiment because I know that’s coming...real soon. just think - the party that claims to be against racism...has always and will always be...racist.
Feb 9, 2020
RayFYou’re obviously interested because your dumb ass is still responding.
Feb 9, 2020
hks128Biased? Moi? Are you trying to tell me my liberal leaning, west coast progressive, socialist slip is showing?! Still not sure what race or color you are (or that it matters), but I'm guessing it's not the perceptive kind?

Feb 9, 2020
hks128"Interested?" No. But our little chat has given me the opportunity to post a lot of humorous images relating to our discussion. And buddy, I've got a zillion of 'em ;- )

Feb 9, 2020
RayFAre you implying that there’s a whole race that isn’t perceptive? Remind me again how you communists aren’t racist? oh right...your entire state is going to shit but here you are- still talking shit...
Feb 9, 2020
RayFConsider the irony of the fact that a socialist is allowed to freely spread that drivel on a site benefitting from capitalism... you leftists really aren’t smart.
Feb 9, 2020
RayFits funny you say that because I own nothing that mentions trump... you all keep trying to relive 2016 and have gone insane as a result. Focus on how you can help America, rather than focusing on assassinating the character of everyone who disagrees with you. it’s funny-I’m not even political and as a brown person, I really should support democrats because you all claim to be for minorities, but your party’s actions of late really don’t reflect that. incredible-you’ve become the very thing you claim to hate.
Feb 9, 2020
hks128If you are smart, will will realize you’ve been had and stop talking. He continues to bait and toy with you... please just stop.