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Apr 23, 2020
Seems to me there are a lot of wankers complaining more about the knife blade on thirty-dollar, fifteen function multi-tool, than they would about the blade on a $30 pocket knife. SPOILER ALERT: no tool in a multi-tool device is intended to absolutely, positively replace a single, dedicated-purpose tool--particularly in a multi-tool that only costs thirty-bucks! I encourage everyone who thinks their very lives may depend on the function of every tool in their multi-tool device, to cough up a few extra bucks and buy something more commensurate with their high and mighty standards:

Apr 25, 2020
RayFBut I want a fully loaded Acura at Honda Civic prices!
Apr 25, 2020
PNWNative I’m waiting for that drop too!
Jan 25, 2021
RayFOn the "bet your life on it" side of things, I honestly lost every ounce of respect I had for Leatherman with one single tool. The "Raptor" trauma shears. Those are LITERALLY MADE FOR LIFESAVING SITUATIONS and they could hardly be a worse tool for the job. It's like they never talked to a medic. For starters, penny cutters need to be READY to cut something. Which is why they're disposable. But we could achieve that same level of care if there were a way to sharpen them. There isn't. Leatherman won't even sharpen them for you for a price. So within two months of regular use, only the first 3-5mm of the shears can still cut through denim, let alone a guy's motorcycle leathers. The "seatbelt ripper" wound up being roundly useless since it folds the belt over and the geometry is all fucky. I literally use it for the oxygen wrench and nothing more (which any old multitool could do, and the disposable penny cutters can eat a seatbelt just fine) And the ring cutter is a worthless joke (every medic should know the dental floss trick or be ready to bust out the REAL tool in your bag) And to round it all off, the "folding" nature of it meant that it was IMPOSSIBLE to keep clean. Even autoclaving the thing didn't feel like it got properly sanitary again. Honestly, I have the Roxon "storm" multi tool on my belt, which does damn near everything, including a beefy set of shears (but not truama shears, I'm back to carrying penny cutters after two years of trying to make that garbage leatherman work) and that bastard has been nothing short of astounding. Had it for years and it's been solid, rugged, and reliable, and the included bit driver set has been a godsend for an old rattly ambulance that constantly throws very excitingly shaped screws out of various orifices. I do kinda want a smaller tool for my belt, to retire the roxon to my car's toolkit, and I've had an order out for the Toler Tools omnilock for a while now - he's just now starting to ship them, but that tool looks spectacular.
Jan 25, 2021
Honeybadgers I'm glad you brought that up! Can't tell you how many times I've picked up a pair of Raptors in a store and wondered should I or shouldn't I? In the end I've always put them back thinking I'd never get the use out of them for the price--and now you tell me they're pretty much crap anyway. You just saved me eighty bucks! I've been using cheap trauma shears for a while, but never for anything more strenuous than cutting plastic packaging (didn't realize they'd actually cut metal). And when I say "cheap" I don't mean they were poor quality, but I'd always seemed they could be made of better stuff--but now you tell me they're that way on purpose--because they're disposable! Hardly a day goes by where I don't I learn something new on MD! I suppose when I need another pair, I'll stick with the versions they sell on CountyCom for $8.95. I can see that in your line of work, tools that don't perform aren't just useless--they can actually prevent you from doing what needs to be done! If I ever need a paramedic, I hope to hell he or she has the right ones! I looked up the Roxon Storm; looks good and the price is reasonable. Was fairly blown away though by the Toler Union and Omni Lock--the inventor is a genius. Thanks for all the great tips!
Mar 16, 2021
RayFI bought this is 2019 from Drop. It lasted me a good 2 years before I finally snapped the spring bit holding the scissors. And come to think of it... I have used and abused this multi-tool almost every single day of these 2 years. I am totally surprised it lasted me that long. Funny thing is, I bought this to avoid using the leatherman for mundane tasks. (I was trying to save it since its much more expensive). But this one by nextool is fantastic. I just wish I could get in touch with them and get the scissor arm replaced.
Mar 16, 2021
Kalpesh78 Hell, just buy two more—you’ll still be ahead of the game!
Mar 17, 2021
RayFThat's the plan. Just requested this drop. Hope it happens.
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