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Showing 1 of 24 conversations about:
Nov 9, 2020
That micro-USB charger seems like such a disappointment.
Nov 9, 2020
Nov 9, 2020
pullup188I so agree, I hate micro USB. They only fit one way and it’s very fiddly to find that way. I can see their value on tiny or slim phones etc, but on most things a larger USB would be fine, and even better, a USB ‘C’.
Nov 9, 2020
Feb 17, 2021
I care. It's fine if you choose not to care, but you prolly wanna be more careful distinguishing between laziness and sensibility. I mean, does your car start with a key, or a handcrank? Does your place have a dishwasher even though it also has a sink? A microwave even though it has a stove? Do you own any electronic device with a remote control? I'm sure there's a LOT more applicable examples where that come, considering that you're here reading these words in an online gadget store. Yet you don't think these are indications of laziness so much as simple timesavers in a busy life, right? Good, because that's the point. Where I'm coming from: I plug in my phone every day -- it takes micro USB. I plug in my iPad every day -- it takes USB C. I have to fuss with my phone, just like I have to fuss with my headset and my bluetooth speaker and anything else I have that charges on USB micro. To that point I think regular USB and micro USB are bad designs and people place a lot of unnecessary wear and tear on them trying to connect them properly. And I like USB C because I'm not screwing up the cable OR the port and I'm not wasting time, stopping whatever train of thought I had going in order to focus in on a pointless menial task. Instead I'm setting my iPad down, grabbing the cable, slotting it, and going on my way. I suppose if there were some sort of quality difference to using a micro USB -- for instance it charged faster, or placed less wear and tear on the connection, or the like -- I'd use it by preference, for the same reason I brew coffee in a French press instead of an automatic setup, the same reason I'm willing to spend hours screwing around with a pocket knife in order to achieve a minor improvement in its function. But there is no such quality difference to the function of charging, only the difference in the amount of screwing around. Two cents -- keep all the change. :)
Feb 17, 2021
Feb 17, 2021
earjaryElectron 'spin' is different from normal spin because while, say, a baseball only needs to 'revolve' 360 degrees to turn all the way around, it turns out that you need to 'spin' an electron a full 720 degrees before it completes a single full revolution and the bit of it that was facing you to begin with is facing you again. This sounds freaky and hard to visualize but thankfully we have the example of USB cables as something you can try one way, then flip 180 degrees and try another way, and flip again and try again, then flip one more time and suddenly it fits into the slot, just so.
Feb 17, 2021
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