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Apr 20, 2015
Ok so I've had these for about a week and so far they succeed in mostly every music genre i tried. Now since they are open back i was expecting to be blown away at the positional awareness in fps games but to be quite honest they had a very similar sound stage to my closed back sol republics. Now some very big positive points are the fact that i could now hear instruments in music that i couldn't previously hear with other closed back headphones, because the bass was just over powering. Also these have very nice detail and the bass is very crisp with the lows being really noticeable. Bass was more than exceptional and i don't see the issue with the volume on these can as they got fairly loud at 65% volume, any louder than that and it would get unpleasant. So all in all these are very good headphones for the price point. I mean the build quality is exceptional other than the headband mechanism some times doesn't keep the exact size, or the clamping force is relatively low but if you could overcome these minor compromises then i would say its a definite go. One more quick thing is i will be doing and update once i get my v-moda boom pro mic, because i bought these mainly for gaming on my ps4.
Apr 20, 2015
Apr 20, 2015
Andrew_RI've been using them with my PS4 for about a month and they are excellent - I have them coupled with the in-line mic wire that came with my M-100s and they get the job done.
Apr 23, 2015
MasterRacePC SNOB
Apr 24, 2015
Andrew_Rwell yeah, you're clearly an inferior human.
Apr 24, 2015
MasterRaceI have a gaming pc(i5/gtx970), mac, ps4, xbox 360 and an htc one m7 google play edition.. In my eyes your the tech noob. Minecraft peasant!
Apr 26, 2015
Andrew_Rhaving a mac, let alone consoles completely cancels out any credibility your pc rig might have got you. Sorry dood. :P
Apr 27, 2015
MasterRaceI got dat Ti-83 plus get at me
Apr 29, 2015
MasterRaceHaving a mac and consoles gives me reason to express my opinion and gives me further more understanding. Your one sided point of view is invalid in the argument you started. So next time inform yourself before you speak, you'll end up looking like a fool.
May 5, 2015
Andrew_RWell, what you're talking about has nothing to do with an argument's validity. You just don't like the content of my argument. Use google if you're confused about that. Otherwise, you should know that the whole MasterRace thing is a joke, and I would hope you're not actually offended when we ridicule you for using inferior products. It's not meant to be taken seriously.
May 14, 2015
MasterRaceI was in no away offended, i just feel that your input in this discussion had no real validity. Also the fact that you haven't had experience with other products doesn't back your argument, it just makes your opinion senseless. Just because you cant own the product doesn't mean its inferior.
May 14, 2015
Andrew_RI don't know why you'd assume that I haven't tried the inferior products. When you actually understand the technology you're using, the correct one becomes clear, and you have no reason to ever use the inferior product again. Good day.
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