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Apr 6, 2019
I've spent more than my share of time and effort on various online forums including this discussion forum talking up and defending Massdrop against unwarranted complaints and attacks because I appreciate what I thought you were trying to become. Why you continue to foist off this pack of bullshit and call it a trauma pack is beyond my ability to support or defend. You guys are stepping on your proverbial dicks and not for the first time and for the life of me I can't see why. The total amount of these that you've been able to unload on unsuspecting people must pale in comparison to most of your popular drops and even with the abysmal quality of the contents and with what must be astronomical profit margins I fail to see how you can justify continuing to sell this pack full of garbage and criminally mislabel it the way you do. For fucks sake, take some time off from pimping this Rothco crap, ask some actual EMT's, Paramedics, Combat Medics, etc. for their advice, get together with some people like Rescue Essentials or any of the many, many providers of actual, working trauma equipment and put together a simple, high quality kit and sell something that's worth a damn. This shit is beneath you and you should be embarrassed to be affiliated with it. You used to be better than this.
Apr 6, 2019
JohnWEI agree this is not at all a trauma med kit.
Apr 9, 2019
tjoseph10have you seen the RINO Ready on INDIEGOGO? Is that a good one?
Apr 9, 2019
GeekingOut365Here is what I have always seen to be the problem. Trauma Kit and then med kits, you have to really think what you really need and how it will be used. I have a trauma or some my call it a blow out kit, I carry one on my shooting bag and one in my main med kit. It really has one propose, stop major bleeding. Then I have first aid kits many small and one large cover most and includes a trauma kit. There are two ways of looking a med kit what I know how to use and what someone else may have to use on me. I have a suture kit in my main kit would I use it on me or family, if needed I would but never on someone else. Having if needed I could let a medical professional use it if needed. So my gear is also my hurricane backup gear so I look that it may be needed when other normal healthcare might not be available for extended periods of time. So you have to figure out what you really need it for and then you will have a place to start. This company makes good gear North American Rescue have a look and I hoped this helped some and one last thing training training if you don't know what or how to do it, its a waste. Check out the Red Cross and SOLO
Jun 29, 2019
Jul 2, 2019
JohnWEMany of us have seen over the last couple of years how Massdrop has gone from trusted source for good gear and good prices to cheap crap from "overseas" pawn brokers. Every once in a while you'll find a good deal but here, like Amazon, you have to wade through the crap. Not only that they hide facts that might impact sales (like how they NEVER list China as a country of manufacture but will list other more desirable countries). Let's face it Massdrop isn't the Massdrop we had come to trust. MD is just another online shop pawning wares who no longer follows it's stated principles.
Jul 2, 2019
SantiagoDracoI can't fully agree but I take your point and I fear you're going to be even more right as time passes. Seems like now that the brand has matured a bit that they're priming themselves for acquisition by a larger corp which will undoubtedly lead to even more of these sorts of "deals". Happens all the time...