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Sonic Fiber SF-SMCS Studio Monitor Desk Clamps

Sonic Fiber SF-SMCS Studio Monitor Desk Clamps

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138 Sold
Product Description
For laptops, display screens, and studio monitors, stands are a great way to achieve perfect placement. However, not everyone has the room to accommodate them Read More

Oct 14, 2023
Been looking for something like these but more like 18 to 24 inches in height. They would elevate my speakers above the bank of monitors I have running across the top of the large desk I have. I've also looked at floor stands placed behind the desk but most of those are not tall enough. I currently have a somewhat ghetto setup using short wooden stands clamped to the desktop with Kanto S4 stands to angle the speakers to my seated position.
Mar 29, 2021
Two weeks past estimated ship by date and no change in order status - any updates?
Feb 17, 2021
my concern would be the lack of decoupling from the desk. You still need some isoacoustic stands on top of these otherwise they are just risers without enough density to decouple.
Feb 15, 2021
that make sense vid.. ..
Feb 15, 2021
I ordered these directly from because it was a few bucks cheaper. Arrived with a dent in the box and each of the plates were scraped up. The stands use a loose hunk of plastic to press against the rod to keep the vertical position, one had gone missing. I asked how to proceed and after a week they sent me a tracking number for the RMA. After another week, I noticed the track number never moved, so I asked what was going on. They said "Due to an issue with UPS not scanning the item on pickup" (meaning: it was never sent; they probably created a tracking number hoping I'd just forget about it and go away), they had to send me another set. This finally arrived. They're not nice looking or particularly sturdy. They wobble around as I type. I don't know what makes this worth their price, they don't feel like $100 stands. I'd look for a better solution.
Jan 8, 2021
Can you please add more pictures? I can't seem to find any online. I would specifically like a side profile picture of the entire thing.
Jan 8, 2021
Interesting. I previously purchased a set of the Gator Frameworks clamps, which have the same dimensions. The major difference here is the lip is on the short side rather than the long side, which would allow you to angle a larger speaker more safely. They are about 3/4 too narrow to support my 8 inch monitors (Yamaha HS8), but because of the lip you could have a little overhang safely - probably. I'll likely wait for the second drop, if there is one.
Feb 15, 2021
nimixxxI bought Gator framworks clamps on sweetwater, thanks for the tip. Yea might have been best for gator to do the same with the lips, no sure why. I have heard negative things about side placing monitors.
Jan 7, 2021
These really don't position the speakers far off the table, thought, literally 4.5 in if your speakers are square on, otherwise when speakers are angled you just acquire some room underneath by 4 - 10 inches.
Jan 6, 2021
Damn. Would've bought these instead of the other ones.
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