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Jan 12, 2019
I’ve listened to them, honestly the DM6 sounds better to me... there’s no way I’d join this drop.
Jan 12, 2019
TheRequiemIs this a joke?
Jan 12, 2019
Jan 12, 2019
TheRequiemHavent tried these but law of diminishing returns is in full effect at this price. i have the Andromedas and had the DM6 borrowed for 2 weeks and they’re nice but they’re not Andromedas. Same thing here don’t expect a $1000+IEM to be twice as good and definitely not 6x. Ive learned to find a sound you enjoy in our own justifiable price range and stick with it for a few years
Jan 12, 2019
RareAirsHere’s the thing, I think the Noble K10’s are probably the best price point high end IEM’s you can get. The DM6 sounds better than this to me, the reason for the price is the high end, but unnecessary materials you’re paying for like carbon fiber and expensive Japanese manufacturing. The DM6 sound just as good to me. The K10’s for $900 are definitely superior than these Sony’s in every imaginable way. I even think the Tonekings T80’s are superior and they’re $330 on here.
Jan 12, 2019
TheRequiemHave you heard these, btw?
Jan 12, 2019
echinekoYeah I’ve heard these and the higher end Z1R in Vegas. The Z1R was far superior, even though it’s $500 more, but I still think anything from Noble or EE is far superior.
Jan 13, 2019
TheRequiemanything from noble/EE. that sounds like BS and trolling.
Jan 13, 2019
echinekojaben had it on sale for about 1000 iirc.
Jan 13, 2019
needhelpYou need help.
Jan 13, 2019
TheRequiemYou should mention that your preference is V shaped sound, not neutral. You don’t belong here honestly.
Jan 13, 2019
Pr0l1f1kWho said I prefer V-Shaped? I can go wherever the hell I want.
Jan 13, 2019
TheRequiemThese must be really bad then because I listened to the entire EE lineup and they're all overly bassy / incoherent (with the exception of the EE EVR). I'm pretty sure these aren't really bad since they're generally well-received. This is the first time I've heard anyone say the K10 is the best IEM since 2016 lol. In other words, your opinion is probably the minority.
Jan 13, 2019
jjwfrI didn’t say it was the best, I said it’s much better than these and $300 cheaper. The K10’s right now have 10 drivers per ear and used to retail close to $2k. It’s a much better option than these. The best IEMs I’ve heard to date are Empire Ears Legend X
Jan 13, 2019
TheRequiemDriver count really isn't relevant in this day and age, considering the 5-driver andromeda made (and is still making) waves in the IEM field. I'd take a $700 second hand andromeda over an $800 second hand K10. And ultimately it's still preference, as I heard the EE LX and it's ridiculously overtuned in the low end and just slow sounding to me.
Jan 13, 2019
jjwfrI loved the added low-end weight on the LX, but didn’t think it was slow at all, I actually thought the bass was very well controlled and the rest of the BAs were very accurate. To my ears the LX has the best soundstage I’ve ever heard. Andromeda’s are good, but I still prefer K10’s clarity over the Andromeda’s smoothness. I feel the K10’s have better separation. I don’t buy second hand and I’m comparing these to what’s on massdrop. The K10’s are better for the price than these are.
Jan 13, 2019
TheRequiemWell... The treble extension on LegendX is actually a joke lol. The bass is too much on this IEM and with its overwhelming reverberation affects the mids ,treble and even the soundstage, ruined the whole music imo. This also happens on the other lineups like Phantom. I hear couples of music.Classics,Pops,OSTs,etc. Empire Ears’ whole lineup is not my cup of tea at all, for any of those musics :). IMO good IEMs are something like VE6,VE8,Flamenco,Lark Studio LSX,Warbler Audio Prelude,Canal Works cw-l77,etc. Btw, a good treble should not be like Andromeda, I can’t afford that grating treble when it’s not actually because of the extension. I just don’t like the sound tuning of Campfire. A sony IER-M9 will be much more well-balanced and well-tuned than those EE/CA things. But well, I won’t recommend IER-M9 on $1200 price range tho.
Jan 13, 2019
kc5335I found that the LX’s needed a burn in period with the treble becoming rich with detail, but not piercing. I think the IEMs are a very personal thing for many people. The bass is a little overwhelming in beginning, but I’d say after about a full days listening that settled down a bit. I think the Sony’s were good, but just not at this price. However, I disagree sony is more balanced all the time. Sony has been known for their bass heavy drivers. EE offers a lot more flexibility with their IEMs including custom fits.
Jan 13, 2019
kc5335What Campfire IEMs have you heard beyond the Andromeda ? Have you heard the Solaris or Atlas? As surprising as it sounds, the Atlas is one of my absolute favorites for classical, blues, folk, etc. and sounds sublime with cello. I've really had a hard time finding ding anything to best it nowadays as it just sound sgreat with any genre and can really deliver a wall of sound with a low-end that is textured like woofers in my floor standing speakers. I have yet to hear any BA that gets texturing right. The same with speed and decay. The low-end of BA IEMs is just odd to my ears and still behind modern TOTL dynamic drivers. Hybrids are fine Ally getting better in this regard especially when it comes to hearing where the crossover point is. The Solaris nails that aspect perfectly and sounds much more cohesive for it compared to many others. The thing with Campfire is they tune their IEMs similar in tone to loudspeakers. I'm privvy to that personally and will take any IEM that can sound as rich, layered, and textured as my loudspeakers.
Jan 14, 2019
TheRequiemHmm :/ DDs in Legend X are only for subwoofer. Do you mean that run-in the BAs is necessary for Legend X to give the treble?:/ Not sure about that. I do only run-in DDs. Run-in may change the sound for Legend X but run-in process for DDs requires to play some specific frequencies if you do want it short. A day-time normal listen won’t make the IEM sound differently. You get used to the sound instead. Agreed Sony has some heavy bass IEMs, but what I talked about was M9. At least the new product M7/M9 are well-balanced. Sony M9 is good, good details, fair soundstage and vocals, well-balanced, but lacks of signature for me. That’s all the reason for me not to commit M9.
Jan 14, 2019
kc5335The Dynamic Drivers in the LX’s seam to have a very different design than most DD’s generally have. Those things have so many different drivers Im not even sure to be honest, but I did notice the highs became more clear. My only Knack with the K10’s actually were they can get a little bright and harsh on some recordings to me. I would consider the M9’s to be fairly balanced, never heard the M7’s. However, yeah, my only thing was these just need a little drop in price to be reasonable.
Jan 14, 2019
jaydunndidditOther than Solaris, other version of Andromedas Atlas is pretty good on desktop amp but I don’t think there’re a lot of portable setup can drive it, so it’s not for me:/ Solaris seems hard to drive too so I didn’t tried it out. Can’t commnet on it.
Jan 14, 2019
kc5335That's... an odd thing to say about driving them. The Solaris is 10 ohms / 115 dB SPL and the Atlas is 19 ohms / 105 dB SPL. I'm pretty sure I could rub my hands together and generate enough power to drive them. On the go, I power them with an ES100 and it's rare that I will even get to half volume. Same with my iFi gear. They both can get uncomfortably loud with little input. Same out of the THX 789 + SMSL SU8. On low gain I on the 789, I set the SMSL's volume to 8 or 9 and that's more than plenty. Anything else and you're just trying to deafen yourself. And I run everything balanced. But, even SE straight of my phone is the same story. I don't know your listening situation but it seems odd that you think they're hard to drive. Campfire doesn't produce anything hard to drive. At all. I own or have owned every product they've released except for the Equinox (I have no use for customs).
Jan 15, 2019
jaydunndidditBut that’s true for my listening experience and for my friends working in headphone shops/audiophile friends. Lol. Maybe you are somehow confused about the definition of whether a headphone is fully-drived or not. Producing enough sound level doesn’t mean that you can drive the IEM. :) Or you are just simply looking for enough sound level instead of some good quality sound and enjoy them? :/ Looking at the specifications of the IEM to indicate whether it’s hard to drive or not is ridiculous. It’s not all about the impendance or the sensitivity( they are only tested @1kHz, so the reality impendance can be a lot higher.FYI in case you don’t know about it :). ). It’s also affected by the structure/component inside the headphone like driver/circuit etc. Examples will be like Final e2k-e5k series, AAWxShozy Pola, etc. They are also listed high sensitivity and low impendance@1kHz. But they are hard to drive as hell. Yes you can have enough sound level on portable devices, but they are not sounding what they should be liked. At least portable DAP under $1.2k can’t pull out all of their potential. Especially Pola, only a few high-end DAPs like SPK/PGT can drive it. Those are all about their drivers(different types of Dynamic driver/Electrostatic driver) and the diaphragms used,etc. If you still believe there’s direct relationship between sensitivity/impendance(at only a specific frequency)and difficulties of driving a headphone, you can directly ignore my words above lol. Atlas is hella hard to drive. That’s it. But no matter what I think I’m not gonna reply you anymore lol. Barely have nothing more to talk about w/ you, like I’m wasting my time talking to a guy who bought all the products of campfire OMEGALUL. Expressing my personal feelings that I don’t like the sound tuning of campfire’s thing and talked the truth that Atlas is hella hard to drive and was told ‘I’m defending myself’. And now I have to clean up and ‘defend myself, again’ in an educational tone. :/ Better have a good sleep in my bed.
Jan 15, 2019
kc5335Of course you'd tap out when you're spouting nonsense like an idiot. And the Solaris has impedance and impulse measurements at 1mW comes out to 10 ohms at ~116 dB. That means these are HIGHLY sensitive as I stated before and can actually show here:
If you think the Solaris is hard to drive then you are truthfully an uninformed fool. The Atlas rises as high as 30 ohms with 1 mW. Again, I could fart and generate enough power to "drive them properly." If you're gonna troll, try doing a better job. Otherwise, you just look like a blubbering, ignorant fool. Have a wonderful day, friend-o ✌️😬
Jan 16, 2019
TheRequiemWhats your DM6 setup?
  • What cable you're using?
  • What Tips you're using?
  • What DAC/AMP you're using?
Jan 17, 2019
TheRequiemi disagree 100% I tried the Sony M9 and the Noble encore A/B over Christmas in a local hifi store using my my Walkman A1 as a source, the M9 were far more realistic and accurate. The bass on the Noble was artificial sounding in comparison. The M9 are better in terms of balance , tonality than my custom UE18. I bought a pair. I have previously listened to the K10 too and was not convinced they were better than my UE18s.
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