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Are the Audio-Technica ATH-R70X headphones better than the ATX-AD900X?

I have gotten a little bit into audiophile stuff after watching some dankpods videos, and I want to step up my game with a better pair of open-back headphones for around 300 USD, but I do not really know what to get. I have looked at Sennheiser and other companies, but what I am mostly looking for is a pair of high ohm headphones with big drivers in them (about 50mm) because I am a huge bass junkie. I came across Audio-Technica and they have exactly what I am looking for in my budget, and the products they make look good too. I have not tried the headphones myself but they seem like the best option because everything else I find is more expensive than I would like. The main question here is if the two headphones mentioned in the title are good, which one is better than the other, or if I should just stay away from this company in general. As a newbie, am very open to suggestions about other headphones I could get and things I should look for and stay away from, so any constructive help is very appreciated.

May 22, 2022
They are more precise, More balanced, they have more bass R70X has better separation and imaging, but less soundstage size. r70x need a powerful amplifier, ad900x is very easy to drive. R70X will not be worth if you use it with underpowered gear. R70X=For smaller heads ad900x and other AD:Bigger heads. ad900x is brighter and can be more exciting with some music but r70x is an all rounder, ad900x can really suck with some music and r70x sounds ok with everything
May 24, 2022
Josz27What amp should I use with the R70x?
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