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Advice Needed: HD 58x or HE4xx?


Looking for an open back headphone with primarily great bass extension and sound clarity. Currently own a Fulla 2 Amp/DAC which I don't think would have a problem in driving any of these two picks. Use would primarily be for modern music listening (EDM, Pop, Rap, Rock, Alternative etc.) as well as FPS gaming. I do not listen to Jazz and Classical music. Which of these two would you recommend and why?

Dec 3, 2019
First I've got HE4xx, few months later I added HD58x. I supposed I will pick the better one a sell another. How naive :D Next 7 months I've spent trying to choose between them. HE has more detail, wider soundstage, deeper bass. HD are more comfortable for longer use, has a little more bass but no so deep (it sits higher than HE bass), looks a little cheaper. Overall they sound very similar. None of them are for bassheads. I have only basic dac/amp FiiO Q1 Mark II and balanced cables. For a long time it looked like I will have to keep both of them. But I don't like to have two things for the same purpose. Finally I decided to keep HE4xx for their clarity, detail and wide soundstage (also because they are my only planars). Also replaced pads for some thicker full leather and added extra padding for headband. And if I need to kick my head with a lot of bass I switch temporarily to my HD4.40BT :D
Dec 3, 2019
vonlufthofAs far as music styles goes ... HE4xx is great for psychedelic trance and other rich sound electronic music, where the scene is more defined, benefits from wider soundstage and you could hear "more" than with HD58x. For blackmetal and heavy music the latter are slightly better, although none of them are metal music headphones. For voices HE4xx seems to be a better choice. I could imagine both of them could have more "wow" sound, but they don't. When listening to opera or altrock, sometimes I wish the music is "more intensive" (or how to express that feeling), but for this I would probably need to go to higher price range. Boosting the volume helps, but that's not acceptable for longer listening.
Mar 29, 2019
I have both and I would lean towards the HE4xx. I find them to definitely have a wider sound stage and bit better low end (for me). the bass part is hard to explain its like there is more there but its not more pronounced. I know i dont hear lower freq between with the HE4xx but it feels like i do. an impression of extension. I would have to say the HE4xx seem a little faster in the low end and maybe brighter or less warm than the HD 58X on the highs. both are easy to drive. the HD 58x exceptionally easy. All that siad I use my HD 58X more on a day to day but pull out the HE4xx when i really want to close my eyes and just listen and zone out.
Feb 14, 2019
Neither... get Porta Pro's with Yaxi pads for under $50 and pocket the rest or get a Shanling M0 DAP. Clarity with Yaxi pads is not on par with the HD58X but good enough and subbass extension is about equal, but Porta Pro with Yaxi Pads stomps all over the HD58X in subbass impact, midbass punch, and vocals (which are noticeably more forward, intimate, and full sounding. ) Also more open sounding with better separation than the HD58X and games equally as well as it. For $150 you can get everything shown:

Mar 30, 2019
Yaxi pads do more than slightly change the sound of a Porta Pro - it's noticeably more than running loudspeakers grille-less (which just very slightly improves clarity.) With Yaxi pads you are both increasing the thickness of foam over the driver (noticeably by about 1.5x) and changing the density of the foam (very slightly more dense). The low end is much better controlled and extended than with the stock pads, the mids are brought more forward and are better nuanced, and the treble is slightly enhanced and elevated. Overall, the sound is cleaned and tightened up and comes across a little more spacious with separation better defined. Porta Pro with Yaxi pads doesn't quite have the clarity, detail, or speed the HD58X does. But the HD58X absolutely doesn't have the subbass impact of the Porta Pro with Yaxi pads (which is reduced from stock), nor quite the midbass punch (which is better than stock). And it's mids/vocals are thin sounding and recessed compared to the Porta Pro with Yaxi pads. Treble comes across smoother and fuller on the Porta Pros with Yaxi pads, with just a little less level of detail. And openess and soundstage goes to the Porta Pros with Yaxi pads, HD58X has a slightly more compressed feel to its sound.
Jul 28, 2020
VRacer111lmao noone wants a trash porta pro there isnt even a comparison. The Jubilee are superior in every way shape or form, and the vocals are incredible. Also nobody asked that he asked 4xx vs 58x not a trash portapro.
Feb 13, 2019
I have the 58X and the 400i. To me, the 58X is the better sounding headphones. I don/t even use the 400i anymore. I dunno, maybe I don't have the proper amp/dac for the 400i. I run my headphones through an Origen G2. Going to upgrade my dac/amp in a few months.
Jan 7, 2020
Klashidk if you did change amps in the end. But I had the Micca amp and it sucked for my he4xx, completely different (and better) when properly amped by a good source. the micca gave my system a lot of noise whenever I played games. Things might be different for you though, I got some Mr.Speaker pads for my he4xx's
Feb 11, 2019
After ordering some audio gear, what happens if the gear is defective or needs servicing?
Nov 19, 2018
That is a very low-end amp and DAC. If you're okay with the entry level sound, go for a HD 58x. A HE4xx will require to at least spend money on a better amp/dac.
Nov 19, 2018
GUTBI plan to upgrade to a separate amp and dac in the near future and would prefer to future proof my headphone purchase. Why should I get the HE4xx?
Nov 19, 2018
Silent85Neither of these headphones will become obsolete with a purchase of a new DAC or amp. It's all about which you like better. That being said, this is a tricky question to answer, especially since we can't be sure about your experience with headphones (and plus we have to consider the joys of subjectivity in audio). In my experience, the HE-4XX is pretty balanced in frequency response (and does have some of that phat planar bass extension), but can have a plastic-like timbre in the mids and treble which can make voices sound indistinct. I'm especially not enamored by the way acoustic instruments were presented. I have never heard the HD 58X, but I do have the HD 6XX and can tell you that I like the non-fatiguing (but not the most accurate) tonality and slightly warm tone, without losing much clarity in the treble. From what I see from other reviews and impressions, both the 58X and 6XX lack the bass extension in the lows. tl;dr, I recommend the HE-4XX if bass extension is more important, and the HD 58X if clarity is more important. Either headphone is a good choice.
Nov 19, 2018
I compared silver box silver driver HD650 to Edition X mk2,HE400i,HE400S and HD660S to Sundara and HE 560.I also heard newest black box silver driver HD650 and HD600. I didnt heard Hifiman HE 1000 but so far,I would take any Sennheiser HD 6.. headphone over any Hifiman,all the Hifiman headphones had less detail and less smooth frequency response,Edition X in particular had ugliest treble I ever heard,extremly peaky,distorted and ringing,the Sundara was much better but the the frequency response still sounded like like it had holes and peaks. At first the Hifiman have illusion of good detail becose they are so bright,but I quickly realized its just illusion,its fake "detail" caused by being too bright and having distorted comb filter like frequency response.The soundstage is wider on Hifimans but the imaging is garbage,I cant tell position of sounds,you get little more width,but that width is filled by very imprecise imaging,more quantity,trash quality. HD650 on other hand is little less wide but imaging is is very good,its truly exciting and entertaining hearing as the sounds move inside the soundstage,how they change position,how the sounds are comming at you from different positions,sure its less wide but the imaging is far superior. The Hifimans have flatter,less distorted,more extended bass,but appart from that,the Sennheiser are far better,once you hear that smooth,hole free,ringing free,distortion free mids and highs and that precise imaging,you wont care about inferior bass. Sennheisers are far lighter and more comfortable,the clamp is too strong out of the the box though.
Nov 19, 2018
NeubrineoSorry, I get the exact opposite to your findings but too each, their own! I love the 650's, I really do! But I find my Edition X's are a good bit better in most regards. But this is like comparing apples to oranges for me! (Price wise) Both headphones still a lot of headphone, in fact the 650's, NH's and Edition X's round out my daily drivers. But there is something about that sweet mid-range by Sennheiser which gets me every time I listen to the 600/650's and the fact they scale so well to different Dac/Amp's. @Neubrineo - Just off topic but what did you think of the He-560 compared to the rest of the 4xx series? And was the Sundara close to any of these?
Nov 20, 2018
VollyI am not native english speaker but the word that instantly popped in my mind when you asked me to describe how I feel about HE 560 is "meh".I didnt compare the headphones too much,I dislike their sound so much I put the down after minute or two they all bore me except Edition X mkii which was like skynet robot drilling into my brain with ultrasonic scalpel. The edition X had worst treble I ever heard in my life,some headphones have frequency response problems,specificaly sharp peaks and holes,some have resonance problems... ringing! Others have distortion problems,the Edition X had it all in treble.No headphone is perfect,even new HD650 have peak from 11-15KHz,I can enjoy imperfect headphone but Edition X,thats just ridiculous,the treble had such a nasty,very high,very sharp peak that was both ringing strongly and very distorted at the same time,it stuck out like sore thumb,I was not able to ignore it even for second. It had little wider soundstage and little better comfort than HE400i,560 & Sundara but its treble was simply 100% pure ,multiply filtered,distilled cancer.Before,I used to think HD800 was most harsh treble in world of high end headphones,I was very wrong.I read so much good thing about it,I was extremly dissapointed. One thing that HE 560,Edition X mkii and Sundara did well was bass,it was flat and extended,very nice,I liked that.I also liked that they all had bigger space for ears in the earpads,comfort was good in HE 560 and Edition X,weight no problem,headband works fine,earpads not itchy and space was good,I have 6.2mm high ears.The edition X had most space,least ear touching but I found the shape of the cups and pads little too long verticaly,also the pads were tiny bit too thin,I liked the Sundara pads more,but Sundara had less space inside them. Now comes the revelation,I strongly prefered the HE400i to all the other Hifimans,the treble was least problematic,its only Hifiman headphone I enjoyed.The pads were lesser quality than Sundara,but it was light comfortable and bass,mids and highs had pleasing balance to them,I enjoy these without mods or EQ. HE400i didnt had Hd650 resolution or the smoothness of frequency response,there were dips and hills in FR,but they sounded like small,smoothly transitioning peaks and holes,no audible distortion or ringing,I actually liked them,not as much as HD600/650 but alot more than Edition X or even Sundara. In my opinion Hifiman headphones have zero relationship between price and sound quality,I would rather buy HE400i even if Edition X or Sundara was cheaper.It wasnt neutral,but its signature sound was pleasing and fun.The pads were kind of cheap and little itchy feeling,would definately buy some better pads. Ohh and the 400s,it sounded second best,but it was like weak,cheap,downgraded HE400i,nothing much different,just the frequency response gave it limp wristed weak thin sound,otherwise its same thing as 400i.Someome might like that sort of sound,not me,but it didnt had any obvious problem,it wasnt neuron ablating pulse laser of death like Edition X.
Nov 19, 2018
I own both. At first the 58X were my favorite cans that I own; the bass and vocals just sound very good. Vocals do sound slightly airy, but that's not a problem. After months of owning them, I now prefer my 4XX over all my cans. They are just so comfortable, and the soundstage is incredible, because you don't lose a lot of detail. It's such a soothing sound signature. The bass is there on the 4XX, but not like the 58X. One word of advice, to get the full potential of the 4XX you'll need an amp. The 58X are much easier to drive, but they do scale well. It's hard to recommend one over the other because they each sound so different. @Volly offered great advice and I agree with him, but I understand you can only choose one.
Nov 21, 2018
Well said! :)
Feb 11, 2019
Actually those graphs both show about a 5db decrease from 100 to 20....hxx goes from 93 to 87 and 58x goes from 95 to 90...gotta look a little closer at the graph ranges and scale.
Nov 18, 2018
Of the two, I much prefer the HD58X over the HE4XX. The HE4XX just sounds too flat - the low end, punch, body, and tone of the HD58X are much more to my preference. Honestly, am not a fan of most planars - the ONLY planar I love is the Argon Mk3 as it doesn't really sound like any kind of a typical planar. The HD58X works very well for gaming... it has a great ability to precisely locate sounds in 3D space. Have not used an HE4XX for any type of gaming.
Nov 18, 2018
Nov 18, 2018
Nov 18, 2018
Silent85for me the options are clarity and definition Hd58x or more bass and soundstage he4x . when listing to most music i prefer my hd58x when listen to bass heavy music or gaming my he4xx for width of soundstage. (and check out youtube for the comparisons for the hd58x vs hd6xx with mods of course). youtubers chuckolatte , Z Reviews or Valour
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