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Oct 12, 2017
Tomato Tart
Easy, quick and delicious!
premade pie crust 3-4 medium/large ripe tomatoes sliced 1 medium/large onion sliced 4 oz goat cheese (precrumbled is the easiest but unneccesary) thyme salt & paper
preheat oven to 425F saute onion until softened. unroll pie crust and place sauteed onions in the middle leaving 1 1/2-2" on all sides. sprinkle with thyme/salt/pepper and a little goat cheese layer tomatoes on top of onions in single layer. sprinkle with thyme/salt/pepper and a little goat cheese continue until tomato is gone. Fold up pie crust edges to make an open middle package. top with remaining goat cheese and thyme. Bake for 25minutes. Allow to cool for 5 minutes cut and serve.
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