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Nov 3, 2017
I think that that complaining about the quality of drops is essentially pointless, as the best form of protest would be to stop purchasing items through Massdrop. However, I think a valid criticism towards Massdrop would be the misleading retail prices, especially on Massdrop's own products. Since they are made by massdrop, they will never be sold by standard retailers, and the price you pay for them is essentially MSRP. Beyond the Massdrop collabs, so many drops state that they offer sales of 30-70% off, but when you look on Amazon, its more like 5-10%. Massdrop needs to enforce the transparency of the value of drops, as many of them are incredibly misleading, and base them off a major retailer like Amazon.
Nov 14, 2017
Proteshionalamazon prices respond dynamically to demand. check out for historical data (and alerts). i don’t know that you could reliably quote against a fluctuating baseline.
Dec 12, 2017
delnerdoI'm sure that there's a better way to determine "standard prices," but since drops only last a week or two, Amazon prices are should be reliable enough for determining the actual savings of a drop.
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