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Drop Keyboard Club Questions

Hello everyone! I'm looking to join DKC, but I have a few questions.
  1. The first day of November has already passed. Will I still get the coupon for November immediately after signing up today (Nov. 10)?
  2. What is the definition of Mechanical Keyboard products? Will the coupon apply to desk mats? I believe it should apply to everything listed under this category?
  3. For orders under $79, the coupon will be converted to a percentage discount. Will the percentage discount apply to all mechanical keyboard items in an entire order, or it can only be applied to a single mechanical keyboard item in the order?
Thanks in advance!

Hello and thanks for the questions!
  1. Coupons are issued every 30 days beginning immediately upon sign-up. So yes, you would receive your November coupon right away. This also means that your next coupon would be 30 days later, not on the first of the next month.
  2. You are correct about the category - it would be everything listed under Mechanical Keyboards. Some items are listed under multiple categories (Battlestations and Mech Keys, for example), and for these, even if you come across them in the Battlestations section, if it is a Mech Keys product, the coupon will apply for it as well. Note that mistakes sometimes do happen so if something appears to be incorrectly tagged, please flag it to me!
  3. The percentage application for the coupon takes place for orders under $100, and will apply to the entire order (all applicable Mech Keys items). If you place an order for $50 that includes multiple Mech Keys items, and use a $50 (50% in this case) coupon, the subtotal would be $25 for that order.
Hope this helps! Let me know if anything can be clarified further or you have any additional questions. :)
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