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Porta Pro X with Yaxi pads... beautiful sounding through the Ember.


Jan 6, 2022
I love my koss kph30i and have been wondering if I should order some Porto Pros, I've also been wondering if I could yaxi pad my kphs also. Thanks for showing off that setup, I have never seen these amps and visually they look like something I want on my desk! Definitely doing some research today
Jan 6, 2022
Mastaboog749Stock, the KPH30i has a very good sound, I actually prefer it slightly over stock Porta Pro. Yaxi pads will fit with a bit of effort, but I don't like how they change the sound of the KPH30i. Been a while since had the KPH30i with Yaxi pads, but basically the treble becomes too much and bass gets wonky, KSC75 is much better sounding both stock and modded. Some people like the change with the Yaxi pads, but it will be a noticeable shift in sound and to me was a worse change on the KPH30i while the Porta Pro and KSC75 got noticeably better with the Yaxis. If you are looking for a nice warm and solid sounding amp, Garage 1217 Project Polaris and Project Ember II are great choices. Run them with a good DAC and you'll get all the clarity, detail, and finesse you would from a sterile sounding 'reference' setup.
Jan 5, 2022
How do you like the Ember? I use a Polaris myself and I love it. I'm just curious as I think the Garage1217 amps are great, but I don't see them get a lot of discussion/love out there on the www.
Jan 6, 2022
jeffhmasonThe Project Ember II is one of my two most favorite amps, with the other being the Project Polaris (with Mellow specced bandwidth dropoff). Both are basically same amp design architecture, one just has a tube input while the other uses a JFET input. And both have the same 0.1ohm output resistance power output curve which coincides max power level perfectly with Porta Pros stated impedance level of 60ohms. Where the Polaris excells over the Ember II is in subbass punch/impact and a more solid/precise/snappy overall presentation. What the Ember II brings over the Polaris is more extended and finessed subbass, more organic and intimate sounding vocals, detailed yet slighty more laid back treble, and instrument separation and sense of 3D spacial presentation you only get with tubes. Reason I originally got the Ember II was for my TH-X00 Purplehearts to help take a slight edge off the treble and make them a very comfortable, all day long listen. Just so happens they work equally well with Porta Pros too... that extra separation and vocal presentation really is noticeable. The tubes I like best from trying many different ones and which are really good matches for both the modded Porta Pro and modded Denon AH-D5200 (replaced the Purplehearts) are the Reflector 6H23P-EB and Sovtek 6H30P-EB. The Reflector is a little bit warmer and more organic sound [best match for AH-D5200] where the Sovtek has slightly bit better clarity and little bit more neutral sound [best match for Porta Pro]. The Garage 1217 amps are great if you want a warm and solid sounding yet smooth and euphonic amp - whether SS or tube. They are a nice upgrade from the modded Gustard H10s I was previously running and MUCH smaller as well. Only other option would be a Dynalo circuit amp, but I've yet to try one. All the options/settings you have with a Garage 1217 amp and their visual style really sets them apart from most other amps along with impeccable build quality for such a budget price.
Jan 6, 2022
VRacer111Thank you for the detailed and thoughtful reply!
Dec 26, 2020
In our household we have three pairs of Porta Pros.. all upgraded with Yaxi pads. They are dead brilliant!
Jan 5, 2022
GoaWeighFor an all around, general use headphone they are my absolute go to! Have pared down to only two headphones [model wise] - the Porta Pro (3 different pairs) and the Denon AH-D5200. It's a very complimentary pairing - the modded Porta Pros are very vocal centric and one of the most euphonic sounding headphones while the modded Denon AH-D5200 is absolute best neutral but warm and lively sounding headphone I've heard and has stellar subbass, treble, and separation. I've found that getting Porta Pros off the stock headband and onto a light clamping one (like the Parts Express one) really even further improves their mids and clarity.

Nov 19, 2019
Hello! Can you share what pads are these? They look great!
Nov 19, 2019
Yes, this review of the Yaxi pad I absolutely agree with: Pretty much the Porta Pro's were okay stock but not something I'd keep due to comfort issue, bass being a little too boomy/bloated, and everything overall a little too veiled sounding... Yaxi pads made it one of my favorite headphones.
Nov 19, 2019
VRacer111I will have to consider them when my porta pros will arive. Thanks!(:
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