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Can the pocket clip be taken off?


Apr 18, 2020
Yes the clip can be easily take's take 2 minutes...You will just need a screwdriver with the right size (vt6) but also a pair of small pliers ... the design is very good and they had thought about it before ... It will stay the 2 extensions and the clip ... the screws will return to the handle. Be careful with the pliers so as not to remove the black coating when work with it... a piece of textile with the pliers will be necessary...

Mar 5, 2020
Take a close look at Picture #3. There is obviously a way to take off the pocket clip, but the problem is that there's no way to relocate it so that the complaints about it are addressed. If you take off the clip as a permanent solution to those (valid) complaints, you still have to replace the screws since they serve to maintain the gap between the two sides. Screw heads will still be a potential (or probable) source of hot-spotting. Plus you'll have to find just the right length screws since the clip and stand-offs are gone. Personally, I don't need to totally eliminate all possible sources of hot-spotting on a pocket knife. All folders with pocket clips come with that potential, and I don't use my folders hard enough to cause blisters or severe irritation anyway. The best way to eliminate the possibility is to go from folders with pocket clips to fixed blades with sheaths, which is what I've done to a large degree. Now, I am retired, so wearing a sheath on my belt is not a problem for me, but wearing this particular folder in my pocket would still be just as much a problem if I wanted to carry something that work rules would be intended to prevent. This knife sticks out above the pocket at least an inch, also because of the pocket clip, its placement and its design. Seems like a simple question, but there's a lot to consider if you're thinking seriously about buying this knife. I bought it when it was on sale for $100 bucks even. I thought that was worth it if for no other reason than the materials, especially the blade. I did not buy it for a long time before then when it was priced the same as it is now ($140), mostly because of the valid complaints posted here about it. Hope that helps.
Dec 14, 2019
I'm sure you could but you would have to get shorter fasteners to replace the longer ones.
Jan 20, 2020
I also forgot to mention the Schwarz Perpetua also a nice carry too
Jan 20, 2020
It will be hard to create a clip due the way that the handle tapers. It would have to be milled for sure
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