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Six Observations and One Question

Observation one: Drop sells a lot of knives. Observation two: people who buy lots of knives need things to store them in, but the only knife storage for sale I ever see on Drop is the $140 Pelican, which I'm really not all that interested in. Observation three: for knife storage solutions, one of the most common ways to go are ballistic nylon rolls. I don't mean 'knife rolls' like a chef knife roll, meant for carrying your kitchen knife set. I mean the ones made with pockets for folding knives that let you see them, but keep them from knocking into one another and getting scratched up. Like this:

Observation four: There isn't a lot of decent products on the market. Spyderco obviously. Benchmade has a few different options but they're the same thing that BladeHQ sells with their own logo for under $20. Boker has a couple knife carriers. Real Steel cobrands some with Antiwave that are pricy but actually my favorite of the lot. But the choices gets pretty slim after that. Observation five: First World Problems: when your knife collection grows, after a while you start wanting different options available for storage to help you keep your collection easily sortable, which is harder to do if you own a dozen Spyderpacs as they all look the same. Observation six: Drop has a design shop and at least on occasion has interns and they make things for storage. My question, which is probably obvious at this point: Why doesn't Drop offer a Drop logoed knife roll? Or am I the only one who'd buy a couple if they did?

Heads up to anyone following along. We will have a Real Steel Pilgrim 22 launching next week 3/17.
@reswright We don't have one in the works right now. I am working on listing the Real Steel roll soon to see how that does. Thanks for the suggestion!
This is a great idea and would be a blast to develop and make something here. Looking forward to see how the Real Steel roll does.
Mar 5, 2020
john.webbSounds good! If you decide to give it a go, I can save you some time up front: there's a few design approaches out there that I can confirm you don't want to try, and why. For example, this approach only works for little, uniformly dimensioned knives and tends to knock them together anyway when jostled:
This approach has the same problem except it only works with larger, uniformly dimensioned knives instead of small ones.
This approach (sleeves) is more accepting of size differences, but the knives can be jostled out of their sleeve and rattle around the bag, which one might call an undesirable occurence:

The next approach (flatter, vertical pouches with a solid strip that the knives can clip onto) is on the right track. It's an upgrade overall to the above approaches, and it's what Spyderco, Benchmade and Real Steel all use. Which means there are a lot of copy cats, and some of them are godawful. For example with the next two, when you try and roll them up as advertised, the outermost row ends up upside down and the knives in those pockets not only fall out, but they fall out of the bag and hit the deck. The second version at least has grommets, so you can just hang it up someplace and get some use out of it that way.
The next two try to get around that by turning the top row of pockets upside down. The problem is that they won't actually roll up at all... as the knives are too close together to let them.
So, yeah. Steer clear of all that and you should have an advantage straight out of the gate :)
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