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Best new headphone for Dj monitoring


Aug 5, 2020
The headline should have said: Best new headphone for "HOME" Dj monitoring
Aug 5, 2020
For djing you need a closed back headphone, even a closed back with worned out earpads will cause leak problems. Headphone for Djing need to be powerfull and have a good seal around the ear, if its semi open it will be fighting against massive dbs coming from the main or monitor speakers. You cant compare the sound of a listening room to a club or venue with large loudspeakers and a noisy crowd. I use pioneer for djing, these sennheisers work fine for the control room in the studio, not for tracking of course.
Aug 5, 2020
Except that Sennheiser doesn't seem to know what BASS is. I wouldn't use those for DJ'ing.
Aug 5, 2020
synapticflowSweeping generalization! Much depends on the rig driving the phones. I suggest a balanced driver circuit for best low end. While older 300 ohm Sennheisers are less bass-oriented, the 6XX can provide plenty of bass. Plus, for ‘monitoring’ the goal is to have the phones represent the rest of the system so you want them ‘neutral’. Be careful with heavy bass from earphones - it is never the same as from speakers because you can't 'feel it' outside the ears. It is easy to damage your hearing if you try for the same sensation as from a kick-butt subwoofer.
Aug 10, 2020
FrancolargoNo offense intended. I've just had that issue with every Sennhesier I have ever listened to. I even wrote the company about it recently and they responded that it was something they are trying to improve. I'm not looking for boosted Beats bass. I just have felt that Sennheisers never provided enough of the bass that is actually there. I have listened to the HD-280 Pro, HD-650, PX-100, HD25, HD300 and several others. I can't remember all the model numbers but every single one disappointed me. And I wish they didn't. I would like to love them. I can get a huge hookup discount on all of their products, but none of them ever impress me enough. My brother has a lot of them here in our apartment. He has the Momentum 3 still sealed in the box. Sennheiser told me that it is their deepest bass performers, but I personally do not due wireless. I remember listening to some techno on the HD-650 and I could hear them physically crying at the low end when I turned them up. (not deafening levels either) Now is it possible their owner had gotten some of his hair stuck in the drivers? Yeah maybe, but I just feel it was all the headphones. Sorry again if my post was offensive. I was really complaining about Sennheiser, not about you using them.
Jul 7, 2020
I really recommend changing the earpads to the nice leather ones because the difference is so substantial I thought I could switch back to the normal ones but they are like cardboard in comparison
Jul 9, 2020
dimmadab666Great advice will look into it Thank you
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