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$750...What are the best open back headpones? Would folks go Focal? Suggestions?

thanks in advance...

Since you just picked a number and said go, I'm going to guess that you haven't studying what's on the market. For $750, rather than picking one expensive product, I would stratisfy that. If you peep Apos, you can pick up the topping 30 ensemble for $300 which will give you a dac, an amp, and an RCA. You could grab the DT-880 250 ohm for about $200 (open), the 99 Noir (closed) for another $200, and pick up some Porta Pros for about $30. That's how I'd do it, I know you specified open backs, but Meze's special, that could be a 6xx for another $20. That's 3 dope headsets, a dac, and an amp, all for under $750 before taxes. I don't know what you have already, but if that was my budget, and I was just starting out, again, I'd do it this way. P. S. Focal is wonderful generally.
trollchu_teh_manslayerIf I had $750 to drop, and I already owned the equipment to scale it, I'd watch for a used ERA-1; it's pricey, but a wonderful headset. It's very open, with recessed mids and a unique sense of bass that replicates sitting in front of a speaker. Unequivocally, it's intended to be played very loud. If you like your music loud, you might like it. Personally, I love that headset as well.
Mar 17, 2021
The best are the headphones that satisfy your preferences, usually based on the type of music you listen to and the priority you place on comfort, fit, & finish.
Mar 17, 2021
racheskiwell...that narrows it
Mar 17, 2021
rokyWell without knowing if you like bass-heavy EDM or classical, if you prefer a light headphone, if you are into dynamic vs. planars, etc... this is like asking what is the best car for $30k, and then recommending a 2-seater sports car to someone who needs enough seats for their entire family.
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