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Nov 5, 2021
Hey just wondering. How dark is the purple compared to MT3 WoB's Black? (I'm thinking of combining this set with WoB)
azamHere are some photos in various lighting conditions to give you an idea; dye-subbed black cap in the background:

Nov 6, 2021
DeadeyeDaveWow thanks so much for the (unexpected) photo comparison!
Sep 5, 2021
What do you think about the "purple-ness" of the colorway?
ray_catPersonally I love it, and I like my dark purples. I think it fits the theme well and is a pleasingly-deep tone. On the cool side of "eggplant". Darker purple than the Black Panther set, deeper than the Infinity War set. Tantalizingly close to Phantom (got a set? I'll buy it from ya...) Rich as it is, it manages to be understated in all but very bright light. Looking at the whole colorway, it definitely brings to mind the UI and general vibe from the Cyberpunk 2077 game, and I think this set has one of the most fun colorways of any that I own. I tend to prefer muted neutrals and usually stay away from yellow, but these colors just work so well together I say "man, that's so cool" every time I look at it. Side note about the legend colors; I have to hand it to Mito for having an advanced grasp of color theory in-context of plastics and light diffusion / sub-surface scattering. Put another way; the legends for the shift, ctrl, alt, keys etc. look like they match the yellow of the accents - but when you flip them over, the second color of plastic is a pale lime green, not yellow. Why? Because if they'd used the exact same shade of yellow for the thin legends there, they wouldn't look yellow at all with the dark purple plastic around them, and not just by a trick of the eye, but because of the light bouncing around in and through the plastic. Getting those legends to *look* like they match is no easy task - I remember this being part of why Susuwatari took so long; learning that along the way, the hard way. I had a hard time with it using paint - I can only imagine having to wait on production samples between iterations rather than just mixing up another try on the spot. Or hell maybe they are supposed to be lime green and it just happened to turn out that way by serendipity... either way I think it's neat.
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