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Sep 1, 2018
I've never worked with QMK before and got multiple questions: 1. What should be written to EEPROM and what shouldn't? 2. I've seen that there are multiple functions provided in qmk_firmware/quantum/rgblight.h. How do I use them correctly? In my case, I want the ability to adress each LED seperatly, change the values via a second layer and store them once I'm finished. 3. I've also seen that there are multiple animations, like RGB_MODE_KNIGHT, that even have keycodes. The structure of ctrl/led_programs.c is vastly different from the qmk_firmware/quantum/rgblight.h. How do I best add the effects to the array to cycle through them, instead of adding the keycodes directly to a layer? 4. Why are the keycodes used in the keymap looking like "L_BRD, " instead of "RGB_VAD", which is how they're shown here: Could I edit "L_BRD, " to "RGB_VAD" and it would still work? I'm guessing the "L_" is short for LED and the ", " is in there for formating purposes?
Sep 1, 2018
SirDE97EEPROM has limited writes, so I stay away from it.
After spending all night trying to figure out the RGB on CTRL, I gave up. As far as I can tell, it’s not part of QMK RGBLighting, which is strictly for underglow. It’s not part of QMK Backlighting either as Fn+Z shows the backlights and underglow are actually managed together. It’s got to be a separate controller language. But I couldn’t figure out how to change the functions as I could not ever find them. I could only find led_programs but modifying them resulted in zero change.
Sep 2, 2018
Okay, if you haven't figured it out already, to modify RGB:
(1) update led_programs.c where: .hs, .he is start and end horizontal values .rs, .re is start and end red values .gs, .ge is start and end green values .bs, .be is start and end blue values
(2) move the animation from the list of available animations to the top of the list to set your default type Example: void *led_setups[] = { leds_blue, leds_rainbow_s, leds_rainbow_ns, leds_teal_salmon, leds_yellow, leds_red, leds_green, leds_white, leds_white_with_red_stripe, leds_black_with_red_stripe, leds_off };
(3) Go to TMK_Core/protocol/arm_atsam and modify led_matrix.c if you want to update CAPS Lock RGBs. Modify this code per your tinkering (here's mine): if (*led_cur->rgb.r > 127) *led_cur->rgb.r = 0; else *led_cur->rgb.r = 255; if (*led_cur->rgb.g > 127) *led_cur->rgb.g = 0; else *led_cur->rgb.g = 140; if (*led_cur->rgb.b > 127) *led_cur->rgb.b = 0; else *led_cur->rgb.b = 255;
(4) Once all RGB settings have been modified at this most basic level, re-make your keyboard and then flash the firmware. Here's how I did it as I am on a Mac with Safari:
make massdrop/ctrl:JG ./mdloader_mac.dms -D massdrop_ctrl_JG.bin -p /dev/cu.usbmodem142321 —restart
I hope that helps!
Sep 2, 2018
Nov 24, 2018
SirDE97Did you ever get RGB_MODE_KNIGHT working?
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