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Also why is Mecha-01 so low on list?
No GMK Masterpiece:( (I have gained depression)
GMK Norse give us something different, the colour profile is really unique, dark teal? wow
lmao GMK Hyperfuse number 1?
gmk posh best gmk set
Im hoping for striker to come back
How is vaporware so low on this list
Maybe a new Poll can be created? 4 years - a lot has dropped since :)
this has to be outdated right how is hyperfuse the top voted..
agree, theyre not number 1 for sue
A GMK > Terminal drop would be near impossible to pass up. I'd love to see some novelties to go along with it. A VIM subset with keys that said, "yank," "insert," "visual mode," etc. might be cool. Similar to the Photoshop keysets that you see everywhere. An "Oh, $#&!" key would be an amazing keycap for the set.
what about the GMK Olivia?
Pls, all I ask for is some Hyperfuse love <3
Challenger approaching A new foe has appeared! GMK Nautilus ;]